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'shift' + '-' + 'flush' doesn't do anything

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Basically I'm another sufferer of these graphical glitches that I'm sure you're all aware of, the type that occur around military locations. It's always suggested to press shift and hit -, then type the word flush, from what I gather the screen should go black for a second after the word is typed before returning to normal, hopefully no longer with the glitch. However when I do this nothing happens, the screen doesn't go black as if the command isn't working - any ideas?

I did have '-' bound as flashlight so I presumed this was the problem, however it's still the same after I reverted to the default controls.

Thanks for your help :) I'm pretty new to the game so it's probably something obvious -__-

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What fixes it for me every time is to change Video memory from Default to Very High, restart the game and set it back to Default and re-connect to server.

I'm pretty new to the game so it's probably something obvious -__-


Edited by ninjaholic
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Lshift and numpad - and then write flush....

Probably wont help to take away the glitches.....fix in

Edited by Drogur
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Are you pressing the left Shift? Make sure it's left Shift and the - (minus) on the numpad and if it still doesn't work, check your regional/keyboard settings on your system settings (although those keys should be relatively universal).

I had my friend press the right Shift instead of the left one and it wouldn't work.

Edited by desfocado
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Sometimes it works for me completely, sometimes temporarily, and sometimes not at all. Psychologically I find it helps to have something to try regardless of the outcome.

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Change the texture quality to low, back to high, then to whatever one you want, if that doesn't work do the same with the video memory, no restart or reconnecting is required, just wait for it to make the changes.

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*facepalm* i was pressing the other '-' key, using the numberpad one worked, screen went black for a second etc and the glitch *seems* to have stopped, fingers crossed :)

ty for the answers guys, the dayz community seems alot friendlier than most... for now...

Edited by PreDator123

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*facepalm* i was pressing the other '-' key, using the numberpad one worked, screen went black for a second etc and the glitch *seems* to have stopped, fingers crossed :)

ty for the answers guys, the dayz community seems alot friendlier than most... for now...

No problem man, glad we could help :D

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*facepalm* i was pressing the other '-' key, using the numberpad one worked, screen went black for a second etc and the glitch *seems* to have stopped, fingers crossed :)

ty for the answers guys, the dayz community seems alot friendlier than most... for now...

It gets quiet when there's a free call of duty week end.

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I change 'objects' from very high to high.

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try giving this a whirl ...

last night i finally made it to stary sobor then glitches got me bad, got what i wanted and restarted the game...i'm hoping these settings will help out.

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I found a Fix for me i changed Video Memory to Default and the screen tearing stopped

Hope this helps


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