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List of servers with side/global chat ON

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I love how the server owners can't admin their server properly by tracking hackers, DC'n assholes with a ban.

But, the hackers/exploiters can do basically whatever the fuck they want.

The whole thing is Bizzaro world.

What fucking planet is Rocket from?

Oh, that is right... NZ.

Where everything runs backwards.



Not really.

Fix this fucking game.

I also love that.Hackers running rampant and do whatever the fuck they want and admins cant.And rocket is from NZ? Well that explains everything lol.

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Guest cRy

GMS US 1038 has side on.

That server is so much fun to go and kill everyone. They QQ the minute you kill someone.

I still want to go Allah Akbar on there Green Mountain base. In fact, I might do that today. I have about 4 charges left.

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Guest cRy

Also, once again.

OP, is that you in your avatar?

I hope so. You look svelte, bra!

And by bra, I mean, you probably are wearing one right now.

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Guest cRy

And by svelte, I mean you look dainty.

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Yes there is. EU 40, come and play!

This, cept the server appears to be down atm :(

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ANZ 1, 2, 3 and 4 have it enabled and they are main hive. Removing it was a shitty decision by the DayZ Staff. This is really a decision that has to be left to server admins.

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I'll bump this thread. Need some more servers with side chat enabled. European ones are preferable.

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FR 14 runs a side-channel. Mostly for russians/french players, but lot of english people here too.

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I know one... But, I really don't want to mention it because the mods will probably fuck with it, and I don't want it to be my fault that they were taken down or whatever he mods do.

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