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Playing Reasonably?

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I am just curious how many people out there are able to play and enjoy this game while keeping it in moderation... as I am having trouble doing so. I am sure that everyone's definition of moderation is different, for example mine would be 1 hour per day on weekdays and 2 hours per day on weekends, as I have a full time job and am recently married. Maybe someone who is in school and not married could get away with 2-3 hours on weekdays and still consider it moderation. In any case, I am just curious about everyone's playing habits and roughly how many hours they put in per day/week and how it affects their relationships, social life, work habits, etc. Beans will go to anyone who gives an honest answer without any silly flaming.

Thanks for your feedback!

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I struggle with moderation I have an addictive personality and gaming is an addiction for me, but hell it beats drugs and can be healthy and social.

During weekdays maybe 1-2 hours but somedays I,ll chill with the wife, on weekends I could easily play all day several hours or more, but I am in the fortunate position that my wife likes to game to so we play together in a group of what maybe 15 or more active international players so weekends is the only time I get to meet up with some of the US players.

On holiday for 3 weeks at the moment so no gaming for me.

Edited by Lumberjack
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Single man with a house and Friends. I font play all weekdays. I play 2-3 weekdays 5h or so. weekends basicley just syndat 6 or so hours.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express

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I struggle with moderation I have an addictive personality and gaming is an addiction for me, but hell it beats drugs and can be healthy and social.

During weekdays maybe 1-2 hours but somedays I,ll chill with the wife, on weekends I could easily play all day several hours or more, but I am in the fortunate position that my wife likes to game to so we play together in a group of what maybe 15 or more active international players so weekends is the only time I get to meet up with some of the US players.

On holiday for 3 weeks at the moment so no gaming for me.

Beans for your response and honesty :) That is pretty cool that you both enjoy playing the game together. How do you feel on your holiday without the game? Having urges to play or pretty much not thinking about it? Obviously there is at least a bit of a tug from it as you are on the DayZ Forum reading this. hehe. I find myself on the DayZ forums myself throughout the day when I can't be playing... so there's a sign of addiction right there I suppose.

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Single man with a house and Friends. I font play all weekdays. I play 2-3 weekdays 5h or so. weekends basicley just syndat 6 or so hours.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express

Being a single person do you notice the game affecting your dating life at all? What age group are you in, if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks for your response, have some beans :)

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I've been playing way too much because I've been off of work and spazzed out on painkillers (busted shoulder). It's like having BLOOM constantly turned up way too high. Anyway, I'm back to the real world of work soon so after that some evenings might be a couple of hours or none all week. I've always been a gamer so I try and have one evening of guilt free gaming a week, or all of Sunday if I'm in.

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3 hours everyday.

14+ hours on weekends.

Single, male, on university, full time job.

I just decided that sleeping is superfluous. You don't need more than 3 hours of sleep per night.

I just freaking love video games and new shinny toys. This is new, shinny and video games.

I also lost my girlfriend one month ago because of this game.

What a shame.

Edited by Dickhat
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Lol I play probably 2-3 hours most weekdays and 4-8 hours a day on the weekend. I have a girlfriend with a son so I'm not allowed to play as much as I like!! I'm living away from all my close friends at the moment so I'm sure that the amount I play will go down when I move back home!

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Beans for your response and honesty :) That is pretty cool that you both enjoy playing the game together. How do you feel on your holiday without the game? Having urges to play or pretty much not thinking about it? Obviously there is at least a bit of a tug from it as you are on the DayZ Forum reading this. hehe. I find myself on the DayZ forums myself throughout the day when I can't be playing... so there's a sign of addiction right there I suppose.

I frequently have blocks of time of from gaming due to my job as sometimes I have to work away from home, like I said it is an addiction so I,ll always be on the community forum seeing how the guys are getting on. Or like now chilling in the room I,m trawling through the dayz forum because yes I do think about the game.

If my wife did not game then I,d really have to cut back unless she was completely cool with it.

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I've been playing way too much because I've been off of work and spazzed out on painkillers (busted shoulder). It's like having BLOOM constantly turned up way too high. Anyway, I'm back to the real world of work soon so after that some evenings might be a couple of hours or none all week. I've always been a gamer so I try and have one evening of guilt free gaming a week, or all of Sunday if I'm in.

Thanks for your response, sorry to hear about your shoulder but some time off and pain meds aren't the worst thing in the world! As long as it is paid time off that is.... I can be fine with playing an hour a day, but my problem is whenever I am not playing I am thinking about it! Luckily it hasn't haunted my dreams yet, but it has a hold of a lot of my waking thoughts anyways lol. Here's some beans :)

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3 hours everyday.

14+ hours on weekends.

Single, male, on university, full time job.

I just decided that sleeping is superfluous. You don't need more than 3 hours of sleep per night.

I just freaking love video games and new shinny toys. This is new, shinny and video games.

I also lost my girlfriend one month ago because of this game.

What a shame.

Love the honesty - you are not at all in denial and that is admirable. The worst type of compulsive gamer is one who can't come to terms with the fact. Sorry to hear about your girlfriend - guess you just need to find one who has similar interests like the guy who posted above about he and his wife.

Beans to you sir.

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Dating & full time worker, recent college grad.

I hang with my Gf for 3 or 4 days of the week, depending. All free time goes to dayz when sitting at my house.

So when I do play, I will sink some serious time in. It takes a lot to get a proper game session in, let alone just meet with friends in game.

On days I don't go out or meet with friends/Gf, I can get about 4-5 hrs in game in a setting. On days I'm busy, I might sneak 1-2 hr before sleeping late at night, but those sessions are often quick supply runs.

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I frequently have blocks of time of from gaming due to my job as sometimes I have to work away from home, like I said it is an addiction so I,ll always be on the community forum seeing how the guys are getting on. Or like now chilling in the room I,m trawling through the dayz forum because yes I do think about the game.

If my wife did not game then I,d really have to cut back unless she was completely cool with it.

Double beans for extra insight :) My wife does not game so I am not expecting to ever get over the hour a day hump, but it is probably for the best because I too have an addictive personality and two hours can become 3, which can become 4, which can suddenly become 5am lol. She is going out of town for a week with her sister starting in 2 days and I have a pretty good feeling about how nearly all of my time is going to be spent during that week.

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Thanks for your response, sorry to hear about your shoulder but some time off and pain meds aren't the worst thing in the world! As long as it is paid time off that is.... I can be fine with playing an hour a day, but my problem is whenever I am not playing I am thinking about it! Luckily it hasn't haunted my dreams yet, but it has a hold of a lot of my waking thoughts anyways lol. Here's some beans :)

Cheers for the beans! Like I say I've always been a gamer and when I'm enjoying a particularly good one (like DayZ) it can get to the point where I have to force myself to lay off of it for a bit.

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Love the honesty - you are not at all in denial and that is admirable. The worst type of compulsive gamer is one who can't come to terms with the fact. Sorry to hear about your girlfriend - guess you just need to find one who has similar interests like the guy who posted above about he and his wife.

Beans to you sir.

Meh, it's okay.

You know how it goes:

Games before hoes.

And girls that are REALLY into gaming are rare as Mountain Dews. Most of them only play CoD and Halo or some other casual stuff, think Zelda is the best thing ever, use portal jokes, are attention whores and can't really talk about games.

Anyways, thanks for caring! Hehe.

Edited by Dickhat
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At least 4 hrs a day on average. Sometimes I go days without playing and sometimes I go a few days where I only Play, Eat and Sleep.

I dont work

I have a girlfriend(does not live with me)

No freinds

I do skip days to hangout with my girlfriend because I'd ather play video games. I've played video games all my life and I dont plan on stopping so noone gets between me and my personal time.

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Lol I play probably 2-3 hours most weekdays and 4-8 hours a day on the weekend. I have a girlfriend with a son so I'm not allowed to play as much as I like!! I'm living away from all my close friends at the moment so I'm sure that the amount I play will go down when I move back home!

Thanks for the insight, have some beans :) How old is your girlfriends son? Old enough that your interest in videogames affects your ability to bond with him in a good way or bad?

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At least 4 hrs a day on average. Sometimes I go days without playing and sometimes I go a few days where I only Play, Eat and Sleep.

I dont work

I have a girlfriend(does not live with me)

No freinds

I do skip days to hangout with my girlfriend because I'd ather play video games. I've played video games all my life and I dont plan on stopping so noone gets between me and my personal time.

Beans for honesty and insight. I assume you've never told her you'd rather play videogames than hang out! lol. In the long term just make sure you find a girl who has similar needs for personal time and space and you'll be fine. :)

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Well, with school out and being in the middle of no where my play t ime is currently around 8-10 hours a day. The only time I go out anywhere is when my girlfriend drives all the way out here =\

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Dating & full time worker, recent college grad.

I hang with my Gf for 3 or 4 days of the week, depending. All free time goes to dayz when sitting at my house.

So when I do play, I will sink some serious time in. It takes a lot to get a proper game session in, let alone just meet with friends in game.

On days I don't go out or meet with friends/Gf, I can get about 4-5 hrs in game in a setting. On days I'm busy, I might sneak 1-2 hr before sleeping late at night, but those sessions are often quick supply runs.

Beans to you sir :) I am curious, when you are not playing (at work/school, with friends or gf) how much do you think about the game? Can you put it totally out of your mind or does it linger there?

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Well, with school out and being in the middle of no where my play t ime is currently around 8-10 hours a day. The only time I go out anywhere is when my girlfriend drives all the way out here =\

Thanks for your response, have some beans :) How far does she have to drive?

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Lol he is 2 and I only play when he is asleep really so it's not like I ignore him because of playing :) Girlfriend plays occasionally too but not as often as me! Wish she did lol :)

lmao. well at the rate kids are going these days, videogames will be a bonding tool by the time he is 3 and a half!

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I am just curious how many people out there are able to play and enjoy this game while keeping it in moderation... as I am having trouble doing so. I am sure that everyone's definition of moderation is different, for example mine would be 1 hour per day on weekdays and 2 hours per day on weekends, as I have a full time job and am recently married. Maybe someone who is in school and not married could get away with 2-3 hours on weekdays and still consider it moderation. In any case, I am just curious about everyone's playing habits and roughly how many hours they put in per day/week and how it affects their relationships, social life, work habits, etc. Beans will go to anyone who gives an honest answer without any silly flaming.

Thanks for your feedback!

I only play and hour or so a day, I hardly ever reach 2 hours. Some days I don't even get on to play games.

Work affects my social life and every other aspect of my life because I am mandatory 7 days a week and I work 2nd shift.

Video games themselves are just a way for me to relax for an hour or two before I go to bed. I find games to be much more enjoyable than sitting in front of the idiot box. Given the opportunity I will do other activities before playing games.

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Thanks for your response, have some beans :) How far does she have to drive?

40 minutes each way on a good day with a 5 dollar bridge toll + gas. So thats money down the drain before we even go out and do something which requires more driving...Can't wait to be back at my townhouse on campus =D

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