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New Player - My 1st few hours

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Heard about this game from my son (yeah, I'm an older player, former military),

with the survival aspect, in an apocalyptic, "The Walking Dead" type setting,

sounded really interesting.

Great mod by Rocket btw…

I'm not much into the typical mindless PvP type games, have more of an interest in games

where you PvP for a purpose. ie; territory control or in this case, survival.

So after reading a lot of the comments here on the forum, and watching quite a few videos,

I downloaded (from Steam), and installed the game last night, and used the Six Updater, to complete the final install steps.

The learning curve is a bit steep for me, the controls, how/when the Infected are aggro'ed.....

I think one issue I was having in my 1st few hours of game play, is finding a decent server to

play on.

First server I joined, was set in the night time.

A bit too much for my 1st experience, so I tried another server, which was daylight thankfully.

This particular Server had a tag called “Sanctuary” (not sure what the significance of that is)

After spawning in, I decided right off to stay away from the two more populated cities on the south coast,

and instead, headed for what I hoped would be deer stands or small farm houses.

Game is definitely intense, and the urgency and need to scavenge basic supplies, became real apparent

after wandering around after about 30 min.

And getting around the Infected while completely unarmed, just to pick up some basic supplies,

was a challenge in of itself.

I was able to figure out the txt chat system, and had asked a few questions.

Question - “Can you enter all houses, structures ?”

Answer - “Not all of them”

Online Players were helpful, and as I was heading towards my next destination, my leg broke,

and I fell in the prone position.

I thought I might have tripped on a log or something.

Long story short, I was not the only one this happened to, as the chat system got pretty busy

(Server Admin included), trying to find the root cause.

Evidently, a hacker was amongst us, and the finger pointing commenced.

I was then turned into a chicken, as I observed my human form just standing there.

I was able to move around in my chicken form, but couldn't really do anything.

Accusations were flying at this point, one player insisted that I was the culprit, for whatever reason,

and one player was banned.

Shortly afterwards, I too was banned from the server.

I'm assuming this was a Server Ban, and not a Global Ban.

I understand the frustration of the Server Admins, as they have very few resources available, in determining who/what/how, and the only option they have , is to Ban people who they either do not recognize,

or who have a log in time close to the time of the incident.

In this case, if the Admin did have those tools or resources available, I would have been fine.

Whadda ya gonna do ?

Chalk it up to bad luck and Admin frustration, I joined another server, played for about 30min,

And received a “Kick from Server”, with no message.

I have read that the “Kick from Server”, may be due to some components not being in sync,

I just need to look into this a bit.

All in all, not a totally bad experience for my first few hours, but I realize that it might take

some effort in finding a Server that I won’t experience these types of problems, and can spend

some time in game to get over the learning curve.

Edited by Westford
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Welcome to Dayz, that is one hell of a big post, Idon't have the time to read torugh all of it now, but hope to see ya ingame some day. ;P

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Welcome to Dayz, that is one hell of a big post, Idon't have the time to read torugh all of it now, but hope to see ya ingame some day. ;P

Haha, yeah, I have problem creating a post that are not TL'DR.


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Stay away from the 4x/50 + servers i f yo u don't want your day r uined by a hacker...They tend to to like to mess with the biggest am ount of people they can

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That was a good post, Westford. I've seen vids where the hackers are the admin, and where hackers turn people into goats and chickens. Avoid servers that say sanctuary. I've heard people say those are the ones where hackers are free to go in and script whatever code they like.

Welcome to Dayz. Have fun, ask questions, laugh when you die and don't hold pressure anything you can't take with you when you die. :thumbsup:

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That was a good post, Westford. I've seen vids where the hackers are the admin, and where hackers turn people into goats and chickens. Avoid servers that say sanctuary. I've heard people say those are the ones where hackers are free to go in and script whatever code they like.

Welcome to Dayz. Have fun, ask questions, laugh when you die and don't hold pressure anything you can't take with you when you die.

Ahhh, well that makes a bit of sense, hadn't thought that the Admin might have been responsable.

Kind of funny in a sick and twisted sort of way. :)

I got to say, them damm Infected are relentless.

Had a couple chase me for over a 1/4 mile, was able to use a technique I saw on YouTube, to cut sharply through

the bushes a few times, then drop quickly to the prone position.

It's great when that works, but sadly a couple of times that it did not.

I was basicly a meal waiting to happen.

Edited by Westford

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Yeah, it's too bad about the script kiddies (most of the "hackers" aren't really that): I can't stream from my favorite servers now. I have to play on ones no-one knows I am on, and that means I can't play with the subscribers :/

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