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ZAS Clan Recruiting Again :)

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ZAS Clan is recruiting again, we are a small, independent clan that focuses on getting good ;). UK GTM +01 :)


Have a Mic and Teamspeak

be 16+

And can have a laugh and have fun.

Please make an application containing:

In-Game Name




Why you want to join

We will reply to your Application as soon as we see it

Hope to see some of you soon

Edited by Jenga22

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are u european? if so what time u play?

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In-Game Name alex


Experience a couple of days but is learning fast

Why you want to join because i am fed up of bandits killing me and i want to progress faster in the game

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In-Game Name: Lucas Hiley

Age: I am 18 years old

Location: Recent spawn, near Cherno by what is called Factory

Experience: I am a very new player to the game, I recently purchased a new laptop in the hope for me to play the game. I haven't played any real time on the game. I've played ArmA II for 2 years and know the controls and all of the basic interface.

Why you want to join: I would like to join so that I can get a bit of help with the game, in my opinion the best way to learn is from other people.

P.S. I have teamspeak and a mic already, from my previous games where I had clans involved. I am also based in the UK

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Have a Mic and Teamspeak: Have both, and can use them well

In-Game Name: Atmozfear


Location: Ireland, from Latvia though.

Experience: owned the game a couple of days, been playing for countless hours already, have died a couple of times.

Why you want to join: I want to join because as a group we can advance in the game a lot more, Experience whole lot more, and because Teams are generally more fun.

Also, Going solo always ends up in a death and or screw up :P

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In-Game Name: teez

Age: 17

Location: England

Experience: Played for about 3-4 weeks, played with a few groups, played lone wolf most of the time, good player. Tactical and I have patience.

Why you want to join: Looking for the right group of lads to play with, some who know how to have some fun and mess around but play very serious and tactical, kinda getting bored of playing solo now days :)

Edited by teez

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In game name : PLAYER 1

Age 16

location louisiana , usa

experience : 3 - 4 weeks

I have been playing with my brother but hes going to colledge so i want someone to play with

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In Game name: Jack16

Age: 16

Location: Sunderland,England

Experience: A few days but learn very fast

Why I want to join: Because I'm tired of playing by myself and it's just a much more fun experience when playing with a group.

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In-Game Name

Age 17

Location died renently :P

Experience about 2 weeks

Why you want to join would like to work together

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In-Game Name: Lewyy

Age: 18

Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire

Experience: over a month now

Why you want to join: Have a lot of experience playing rogue or in small groups of 1-2 and now i want to take my gaming expereince to the next level, i feel i would be a great aspect to your team as i help out friends that are in need and can handle a gun very well. i have over 6 years experience with FPS's and still going. My fav roll has to be sniper and i have the patience for it, however i can handle other guns just as equally.

Please reply if for some reason i cannot get the reply you can reach me at my email: [email protected]

Also my skype is very easy to reach me as i am very active on skype whilst playing DayZ.

Skype: Lewishynes2

Sincerely, Lewyy

Edited by lewyy

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