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US 711 - player 'k' triggering constant explosions

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Server: US 711

Time: 2228 (GMT +10)


My friends and I were grouping up on the hill NW of Elektro power station, we noticed a guy spawn at the top the 'Dobryy' hill, before any of us could get a shot, He killed one of our members, I was able to kill him shortly after. The players name was k.

Shortly after that, we heard a massive explosion going off on the hill we were on, after the explosion k died again. We saw him respawn in the Player List and the explosions started again. We didn't actually see any explosions but the it sounded like the hill was being carpet bombed.

Can provide our player names via PM if anyone cares to investigate this.

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Sounds weird, haven't heard of anything like that before.

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really? it's been a thing since before dayz.

Just google for dayz/arma cheats and you can get a pretty comprehensive idea of what hackers do, and how to maybe spot them.

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hackers on us 711 have become a usual thing now.

we really need an admin on or at least a moderator with power to ban.

ive contacted the server host already so there should be a cleanup soon. i believe hes working on getting the hackers client id so they can be banned from battleye.

just need to wait

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