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Opening inventory while swimming

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Date/Time: 24.5.2012 21:30 gmt+3

What happened:

I was swimming near Otmel and pressed G to open inventory _while_ swimming and all gear+bag except pistol, pistol ammo and compass like gear dropped to the bottom of the sea. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional. "can't open your bag while swimming" sounds realistic

Where you were: Near Otmel at coast

What you were doing: Swimming + Opening inventory

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas X with newest version

EDIT: tried with new character and I was able reproduce the case

EDIT2: 3rd try, didn't need to open my inventory but still lost my things

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Same thing happened to me yesterday, although I did not have to open my bag for this to happen.

Once I got out of the water I noticed my pack was gone, and everything else in my regular inventory bar the Makarov, it's ammo, and a couple bandages in those lower slots.

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