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Spawn survivors with only a flashlight

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I agree. But why flashlight? Make people spawn with absolutely nothing.

Because so much of the game takes place at night' date=' and they're [b']so dark, that having no light at all would just be an exercise in needless frustration. And a flashlight makes more sense than flares, or even chemlights.

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Plus, flashlights are the least intrusive light making devices. The AI simply doesn't know they exist right now. However, chemlights and flares attract AI.

(Maybe the flashlight will eventually make you extremely visible to AI when it's on; actually, it's highly probable this will happen very soon, rocket-style)

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And without clothes! :D

Anyway, I'm all for the idea of ​​being spawned without weapons. Seems just right, considering all the death-defying run-and-gun activity that is happening around the coast side. However, I think we should keep the water bottle. But that's it.

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It should have been like this from the beginning. It would be more realistic. You spawn only with the loot a normal person would have at home.

1 Flashlight

1 Can of beans

1 Water bottle

1 Bandages

If you dont want to die then play smart. If you arent smart, die.

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You spawn only with the loot a normal person would have at home.


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See thread title. Seriously' date=' why not?

No backpack, food, water, gun, ammo, torches, bandages, painkillers, morphine. Only the flashlight.


I love this idea! The more realistic the better imo. Also i really dont know why people get so angry about a similar thread being posted, Its a forum we are supposed to throw out ideas towards the dev team and some people act like we are walking into their house and moving furniture around.. Good post Hopefully the idea is taken into consideration.

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It should have been like this from the beginning. It would be more realistic. You spawn only with the loot a normal person would have at home.

1 Flashlight

1 Can of beans

1 Water bottle

1 Bandages

If you dont want to die then play smart. If you arent smart' date=' die.


This ^. Only potential problem is griefers killing people for no reason at all and having no means of defense. I guess it doesn't matter too much though as you have nothing to lose anyway!

I say try it, it's an alpha after all! :)

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This might actually warrant a forum-wide vote. Think about it, we're just like maybe 10 people saying "f yeah dude, just a flashlight and food and junk". But the rest of the community might be completely opposed.

It would be kind of a big deal. Spawn campers would have no counterfire, for instance. That's something you have to keep in mind.

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This might actually warrant a forum-wide vote. Think about it' date=' we're just like maybe 10 people saying "f yeah dude, just a flashlight and food and junk". But the rest of the community might be completely opposed.

It would be kind of a big deal. Spawn campers would have no counterfire, for instance. That's something you have to keep in mind.


Yeah i thought about that too, but then

I dont think that i got killed by a spawn camper once ever and i play this mod for 3 weeks.

I think the mistake a lot of players are doing is go in high PvP areas as soon as they spawn. When you just leave the coast you´ll be fine.

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I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I think that it's a genuinely good idea - however I still think that you should spawn with some food and a water bottle.

This would discourage the random coastal killings between newly spawned players, would convey a sense of realism, and also promote teamwork, as a gun can pretty much guarantee your independent survival. Also, it reinforces the seriousness of death in the game, as it becomes a much longer and harder process to regain lost loot.

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Yeah, I've never been spawn-camped. I've died a number of times to bandits and panic fire because I was daft enough to try looting Chernogorsk or Elektrozavodsk "before I head inland".

There's only a single occasion I can recall where having a Makarov instead of a Flashlight might have made a functional difference in an early PVP death... But being limited to a flashlight would have made a PHENOMENAL difference to both my early night-time play (i.e. I might have stayed on the servers more, instead of switching to daylight servers like a pussy), and my interactions with the wild-non-life.

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The funnest part of this game is just starting out

I agree with this. I have the most fun in the first 20 minutes.

First 20 minutes = OMG I need stuff!

After the first 20 minutes = OMG someone is gonna take my stuff!

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*looks at weather*

seems like there's going to be an apocalypse today, guess I'll leave my backpack at home, and not bother bringing any of the tinned food with me. hell I'll even leave my trusty pistol at home, because I'm never going to need that. water? meh I'm sure I can find that somewhere.

wut. this thread is wut.

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*looks at weather*

seems like there's going to be an apocalypse today' date=' guess I'll leave my backpack at home, and not bother bringing any of the tinned food with me. hell I'll even leave my trusty pistol at home, because I'm never going to need that. water? meh I'm sure I can find that somewhere.

wut. this thread is wut.


Because everyone in this part of Russia owns a pistol. wut. Unrealistic.

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Come on rocket. Do it please!

Also make the items a lot more rare.

In an hour or so, now that I know the game pretty well, I can almost be fully geared. That's not exactly what I expected from DayZ. It can be more difficult than that. It should be!

ps: it is also almost impossible to die from thirst or hunger... there is way too many ressources

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A knife (with usable melee) and some matches/lighter.

Both should be common enough in any household. Take away the canteen and let us drink from ponds/wells/fountains without anything. Everything else is loot.

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I would take this idea one step further' date=' and suggest spawning with nothing at all.


I agree. But why flashlight? Make people spawn with absolutely nothing.

Starting with less items is definitely appealing to me.

But as others have said: why the flashlight? I suppose you would have to have some light source for spawning at night time, but the flashlight is a much better light source than flares if you have no weapons.

I wonder if players would begin trying to kill each other with tin cans and flares?

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So... Survivors on the coast will spawn with no weapons to defend themselves and a beacon in their hand pointing out where they are? That eliminates the "run & gun" types and introduces the kill "defenseless idiot holding the bull's-eyes". I like the idea, i'm just 100% sure that the jerk who gets his jollies by being a jerk... will find another way to be a jerk. I think instead of a stick flashlight combo you should be able to hit people with the flashlight. It's only capable of knocking another person out though. Making stealing in spawn areas the new reason to seek revenge. I'm 100% in on the spawn with less suggestions though. Why do I spawn with supplies? I assume I've left safety because I have none.

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You could make items (including weapons) a lot rarer. You would have to sneak in the buildings or find a way to take away the zombies in order to find stuff.

Also true for the ammunition, if you only have 1 mag for your recently found 1911, you'll think twice before using it (...against a player, against zombies..)

It becomes a real zombie apocalypse vs men game and not the deathmatch type of game it is now.

All of this + the fixed voice chat and the removal of the global chat = solution to the extensive pking.

Maybe people will finally start to help each other if the game is harder.

edit : it also encourage trading. If you have a mag of 1911 but not the weapon and another guy has the weapon but no ammunition, and it appears that he absolutely needs food (because food would be rarer as well, so this kind of situation would actually happens), well, will you trade your unique can of food for the gun ? etc

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See thread title. Seriously' date=' why not?

No backpack, food, water, gun, ammo, torches, bandages, painkillers, morphine. Only the flashlight.


What? A flashlight?!

I disagree.

Nothing at all! Only underwear!!! =))

IMO starting with nothing doesn't make this game harder at all. I just sneak-run in the cities, take what is needed and go away.

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ive probably already posted in support, but i just love the idea of spawning somewhat defenseless. might lead to battles over noobs, with white knights trying to pick off those that would spawn camp. would certainly rattle a few cages

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Starting people with just a flashlight would only serve to benefit the players already established.

Let me put this into layman's terms for the lazy/uneducated/whatever: Players with weapons would only dominate new players starting into the game, making it unnecessarily difficult and frustrating for the new player. At least starting with a pistol allows a player to defend themselves.

I think this is a terrible idea.

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