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How we fly choppers in DayZ

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We found a fully functional helicopter standing in the woods and decided it would be a good idea to try and fly it. I took one for the team and got in. This is was happened afterwards.

Looking back, this chopper looks pretty hacked(as in; a hacker spawned it), so good thing we crashed it, right? :D

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That is a known helicopter spawn point tho (been past there a couple of times now on the hunt for the Huey)

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We though so to, but this one looked very suspicious.

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lol work on piloting skillz xD but yea there seems to be a added wind in dayz that is not as strong in arma2 ive been playing expert only servers and flew for 12 hrs with no crash first person only and came back online 3 hrs later and crashed after 20 mins of flying my main rotor love tapped a tree not even the trunk the leaves and i flipped over and died sucks but shit happens. Best way to get better is got on arma2 and do helicopter training then pick us armory and practice landing, taking off, landing, flying low,evening out learning how to have full control over your vehicle =)

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My flying really isn't that bad :P This was just the first time flying in DayZ and I was so excited and nervous...

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