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Elektrozavodsk Mexican Standoff

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Hey guys,

I ran across some real funny stuff this morning as I was scouting Elektro on a not-so-crowded server.

There were like 7 or 8 guys online when I joined, so I figured it'd be safe to get into Elektro and grab some stuff, since I had just died last night and quit right after, I was pretty much naked.

Right when I walked into the building people seem to be calling 'the schoolhouse' (place pretty close to the grocery store, always has tons of stuff in it) I hit the newbie-jackpot. Makarov, Czech backpack, Lee Enfield, tons of ammo. Everything I needed to get started again, basically.

So once I get to the roof of the building, I suddenly hear some zombies getting aggroed, accompanied by a couple of shots that bounce off a wall besides me. Obviously I quickly hit the deck, but I wasn't really sure whether those bullets were aimed at me.

I figured the best thing to do was to atleast get off the roof where I may attract even more attention, so I went down to the 1st floor of the building, where I see the guy walking up the stairs, right when I come down.

Somehow I think he didn't manage to see me until the last second, so he must've figured I had a bead on him and he sprinted into a room, whereas I laid down at the opposite end of a hall, my gun fixed onto the door of the room he went into. He had nowhere to go, basically, and since he had already fired shots at me before, I sure as hell wasn't going in there. I tried talking to the guy, but he didn't respond.

A couple of minutes passed. One zombie made it's way up the stairs and I thought it was going to enter the room with the guy in it, but sadly it turned back right when he was about to enter. A couple more minutes pass. I occasionally see him peeking outside (well, his gun was sticking through the door). I'm guessing that he was using the 3rd person camera to see where I was at. I'm not sure if he managed to see me (should be fixed, 1st person only).

A couple more minutes pass. I then see him trying to get out of the room in prone, when suddenly another guy ran up the stairs with a double barrel shotgun. I'm guessing it was the friend of the guy in the room, since he first turned towards me and unloaded in my face. Yeah, 2 double barrel shotgun rounds from little over 5 meters away, and somehow, I'm still alive. One shot with my Lee Enfield takes him down, but I'm not sure if the guy that was cowering in the room also put a round into him, since he was standing directly between me and mr. coward. So my screen is blurry and shakey as hell as I try to take down my archnemesis on the other side of the hall.

By some stroke of genius (pure luck) my first shot takes him out and I can finally breathe. Well... Kind of. 4k health, losing blood fast. After some bandages and painkillers I heard the zombies starting to stream in. Meanwhile I am checking the hall for guy #2. I see the body of guy #1 on the far end of the hallway, but #2 is nowhere to be seen. After the zombies left I looted guy #1, he had some pretty good stuff. Blood bags (just what I needed... Now I just need someone to give them to me... x.x), ALICE pack, some Enfield ammo. Guy #2 though, I think alt+f4'd, because he was nowhere to be seen and there was no way for him to dodge all those zombies.

Atleast one of the guys decided to give me my well-deserved loot. ^^

Funnily enough, my murder count didn't go up, so I'm thinking that zombies ate guy #1, and guy #2 did alt+f4.

Edited by -Atlas-

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Sounds similar to most encounters at a low level, no one is willing to help yet doesn't want to aggro in fear of dying.

Good stuff though coming out on top..sorta ;)


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