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My game errors since 1.5.6 Thread

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Just wanna make this thread so we players can put in our errors in the new patches.

1. I spawn on the beach even now on the patch

2. Sometimes when i log on i get to a new bandit char who is not me, likely another players char, because he has killed 168 zombies 8 players and two bandits. That anyoing because i loose all my gear.

3.I cant pitch a tent.

4. not an error, but i think the temp thing is going down to fast, specialy since me and my friends are playing when its dark, and we want to play in the dark. Now we cant expolore the world anymore because we always need wood.

When i was playing the 1.5.6 patch everything was so great, did not have any problems at all. Love the game still, but the 1.5.6 patch was just great.

EDIT: Well looks like all is great now on eu6. not spawning at the beach the temp is rising when runing at night, this is very nice love it now!!

PS. I admire your work rocket, you are the best.

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