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Banned from Seattle 123 unfairly

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edit: resolved

Edited by Akumos

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further more if you guys can prove your not hacking on our server why not search the threads and see what you find before you decide we're being unfair......

if you hadnt noticed the server in question is crawling with cheaters and hackers atm the moment which has caused massive issues, multiple stops and long hours of script hunting to find those responsible.

if you seriously want to play legit on our server pm me add we'll chat on a public teamspeak you and friends. again we dont care about legit bandits just hackers/cheats

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Nothing you posted is about me, you're linking stuff about my friends and what my friends said. That quote is taken out of context because the context isn't given, it has nothing to do about teleporting players. I said something stupid about a black girl one time and they joke about me being a racist slave owner to bust my balls. You still have no proof that I was hacking on your server or that I had "duped" items.


Edited by Akumos

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i'll point out we havent had that choppa for 2 of these supposed 3 days after we got hacked for the 7th time in a night, plus those camps aren't ours, we have legit camps inside the map not against edges or in debug.

maybe if you stop sling mud at us i'll be bothered to listen to your appeal but if you continue this way why should i???

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i know dude and im sorry you've been caught in the firing line with this but we have to do what we can as a community and work together against hackers, thats the one thing us bandits and survivors have to unite on and if its true that you found that heli good on you man we've been looking for 46hrs straight for it now to no avail, but we just got smashed again a few hours ago by hackers teleporting to players and killing them plus camps and vechiles being destroyed left right and centre, which has nearly killed the last bits of joy we had in the game.

if your sersious and want to help me and some others find these hackers on our server then i'll un-ban you right now and we can get to work if not im sorry but i cant be sure it wasnt you til it stops and when it does your first on the list for trail un-banning and if we're clean for awhle your always welcome to come be a bandit here ( even though we'll be hunting you sorry we're anti-bandit works works :P)

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also we've like the odd bandit its what we all play for as a clan, we help others (namely noobs) and raid cities place a few tents close to towns and the odd one or two here and there, had a base many weeks back but we had server hoppers barbwire it to hell and kill the members guarding so we gave up and lived on the run.

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oh and to your question yeah ive trawled through endless lists on logs code looking for these hackers and yes i did match up time stamps as best i can yours has matched up with 2 others so i had to make a call cause i had 9 very angry members in my ear about the server being hacked and having to be restarted and the damn time!! we all make mistakes only human, im a fair person at heart hence anti-bandit, but when it comes to hacks i see no room for the soft touch.

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All those videos you linked belong to Biff btw, that's not my youtube account. I don't think I could help you find hackers, they're mostly going to be invisible. I found the chopper to the NW side of the map, around 007 042, after exploring all of the edges. I found some large tent camp near there and assumed it was yours, along with a vehicle and a boat on the island to the SE of Elektro.

You can keep me banned for a while if you want, I'd prefer you unban me once you sort this out though since I haven't actually been using any hacks. As I posted this I experienced a teleport hack and a massive death hack on another server, guess this is massive scale as of a day or two ago.

Edited by Akumos

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oh i'll point out so you know everytime i ban and un-ban thats a server restart so you may notice alot of that the next few dayz as we weed the hacker/s out sorry in advance.

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Some of these problems would be fixed if the game actually showed who killed who, I know there was a guy on your server about two days ago teleporting to players while invisible and executing them.

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you are unbanned as of now restart in effect, please come back to our server and if you see any strange happenings that dont seem legit pm me and i'll look into asap

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i'll look at server settings again and hopefully get them set to show names and who killed who, but chances are thats going to show on their programs and they'll just move somewhere else leaving us with annoying game tags? aargh what to do.......

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There isn't a whole lot you can do, there are a bunch of different hacks and edits going around at the moment that are huge flaws in the game that need to be patched out.

Edited by Akumos

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well that was silly boys, that was all clan memebers online that time different names and no tags busted big time not to mention the log files showing some interesting chatter oops different serevr for you guys i think.

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Ah Yes Akumos, Funny How You Try To Play It All Innocent You And Your Other Two Buddies, Server Logs Are An Amazing Admin Tool. I Think It's Safe To Say You Have Been Fairly Re-Banned.. No Worries Though There Are Many Other Servers You Can Join, Just Wont Be Ours Any more.

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Is there a reason why me and some mates were banned this evening from you server?

Yes there was a bit of a firefight in Berzino, I believe some of your clan members may have been shot, but why is it that you would ban us after back-dooring us and wiping us out? You banned people from your server that didn't even kill anyone.

If it was a matter of ensuring you got your stuff back (certainly nice stuff indeed), killing us was really all that you needed to accomplish.

But the ban? Really? If that is how you wish to run your server by all means carry on and enjoy yourselves. Good day.

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