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Exlie Clan

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~ExLie Clan ~

DayZ Clan

Exlie Clan
is an organized DayZ clan based around tactical play and efficiency. We have strong leaders, great members, and are very active. We are a mature group, but can also find time to have a good laugh. Our goals are to get the best gear possible, set up multiple camps, and always have something to go back to.

We are a bandit group, And also looking for just good fun people we kill anyone that isn't us, We will kill anyone we see, and take what we want. We are fair to all of our members, and treat them nicely.

Rules for joining:

1. Have a good quality mic

2. Be at least 18 years of age

3. Be mature and respectful

4. Be active

5. Know when and when not to use the mic.




How long you have had DayZ:

DayZ Experience:

Clans you have been in before:

Preferred Weapons/Roles:

Steam Name(S):

My steam: Zylon180

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Also. You spelt your own clan name wrong. Twice. It's exile not exlie you idiot.

Ps: I killed respawn last night on the coast. Then again in cherno fire hall. Send my regards.

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This guy is a major scrub. He locks his server constantly so him and his clan grab loot without being bothered. And if you try killing him, he bans you form his server calling you a hacker. Me and my friends constantly hunt him and his clanmates down constantly.

<3 Clan TreeSquid

Edited by dayzfanatic123

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You used your incorrectly in your signature I tell you what, you ment to use the "you're" version, I like to pretend the apostrophe is a glorious tank of propane, hanging just out of reach and the u and r are reaching for it, i tell you what. Better hope I never come to your server with my pack of Strictland boys, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG HORNS

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Age: 16

Timezone: Central America

How long you have had DayZ: 3-4 weeks, can't remember

DayZ Experience: I've been to the NW airfield and Starry multiple times and know how to operate most weapons.

Clans you have been in before: None.

Preferred Weapons/Roles: Spotter/Sniper or I can be a loot runner with low end gear. I like the risk :)

Steam Name(S): TheDude8D

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Age: 40

Timezone: Central Standard Time, i tell you what.

How long you have had DayZ: Since my great grandfather built it under the orders of General Santa Ana. I still have his boot remover in my room as a reminder

DayZ Experience: I have been playing DayZ and DayZ accessories as an assistant manager at Strictland DayZ for 15 years with my friends JoeJack and Enrique under the tutalage of Buck Strictland, DayZ manager I tell you what.

Clans you have been in before: Thatherton DayZ Experience, MegaloMart Gaming

Preferred Weapons/Roles: Propane bombs, grill lids as shields

Steam Name(S): OldTop, Hank, Hankhill, AssistantmanagerHankHill420, XxStrictlandrulzxX, EyeTellUwhuT, xxxDangitDALExxx, NarrOeurethrA, Tazet_the_meat_nt_the_heat

I will also attach a photo of myself for peer review. (smoke that gonja LOL)


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