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Basic rules for Trades - "Lonewolf" and "Group" versions

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Listen here n00bs, I heared so much whining about trading, ran into a failed trade myself and managed to do some great deals with great survivors (There will be a thread to come with all the names and reputations, stay put). So, here are some tips and rules for you, if you want to trade safely and make things easier for both parties:


If you want to go entirely on your own, thats your way of approach, be safe, trade, get out of there, simple but effective.

1.) Find your trading partner by sending him a PN on the forum, telling him "X for Y or maybe even Z" - That's the simple part.

2.) From the initial PM on, try to talk to him a bit and estimate his behaviour - DONT EVER react on somebody who seems to be forcing you to do the trade HERE AND NOW and annoys you from the beginning, just leave.

3.) When everything is clear and you estimated the person as a friendly, figure out a server you can set up camp or use your previous camp to stash ALL of the stuff you don't want to loose if things go bad. - Just take the stuff you want to trade with you, even hide your backpack in a tent if wanted.

4.) Use an area where players are mostly unlikely to go anyways, like the far West or East End of the map - THAT ensures you to have some peace and guiet to do the deal.

5.) ALLWAYS agree on going in unarmed, both parties, - when nobody has to look into a loaded gun things are not so tense

6.) Do the deal and then walk away in a fast pace, i.e. one to the North and one to the South, just part ways in two directly different directions. Then, after a few minutes, disconnect from the server and be happy with your new stuff!


If you dont like going alone, this is your way of approach. Pack a friend who provides overwatch, make the deal and get out of there. Not so simple because there ARE guns directed to your face, but i never said easy come easy go, right? right??

1.) Find your trading partner by sending him a PN on the forum, telling him "X for Y or maybe even Z" - That's the simple part.

2.) From the initial PM on, try to talk to him a bit and estimate his behaviour - DONT EVER react on somebody who seems to be forcing you to do the trade HERE AND NOW and annoys you from the beginning, just leave.

3.) When everything is clear and you estimated the person as a friendly, figure out a server you can set up camp or use your previous camp to stash ALL of the stuff you don't want to loose if things go bad. - Just take the stuff you want to trade with you, even hide your backpack in a tent if wanted.

4.) Use an area where players are mostly unlikely to go anyways, like the far West or East End of the map - THAT ensures you to have some peace and guiet to do the deal.

5.) Agree on both parties bringing exactly ONE Sniper to ensure safety, if anything goes wrong a well armed sniper can defend your corpse till you get there, grab your stuff and the trade from the other party and also try and spot the other sniper and take him out too. That is way more dangerous as the Lonewolf tactic but there are people that never go alone and neither should you in that case because it adds the factor of two against one.

6.) Do the deal and then walk away in a fast pace, i.e. one to the North and one to the South, just part ways in two directly different directions. Then, after a few minutes, disconnect from the server and be happy with your new stuff!

I hope that settles your concernes, all in all you WILL have to put some faith in your partner and in some point you will be betrayed and loose, but thats how things work. I for myself traded with a few of you (maybe reading this) and i did not even think about betrayal one second, neither did I think of betrayal from your side. The failed trade I hade, where a Hacker got me seemed fishy and I should have listened to my own rules instead of being a total retard and just go in. In the process I lost my own gear and the one of a friends of mine so now i prefer the lonewolf tactic, but everyone likes it different. Me loosing my gear should be evidence enough that you have to, just in real life, think things through carefully, even if it sounds good, hesitate a bit and think, thats all I want, then follow the steps and you will even make some friends in the process.

If a mod comes across this thread: Pin it maybe? It will ease up the tensions when wanting to trade and should be read by everyone on here :)

Take care people,

your friendly neighborhood Survivor,


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Interesting and informative read! I am not a trader myself but I have mulled over the concept and the risk associated with it. Hopefully, this post will now warrant you as a certified "Trustworthy Tradesman," "Merchant," or similar title.

Keep doing what you're doing!

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Oh, by the way, allmost forgot to mention:

There are designated Trading Groups popping up on the forum, which want to ensure your safety while trading. Look around and contact them if you want to have neutral protection for your stuff! You can find them in the Survivor HQ, thats the easiest way to do a rade if both "Lonewolf" and "Group" are not what you like! :)

Interesting and informative read! I am not a trader myself but I have mulled over the concept and the risk associated with it. Hopefully, this post will now warrant you as a certified "Trustworthy Tradesman," "Merchant," or similar title.

Keep doing what you're doing!

Thank you! :) All I want to do is help people make this game somewhat better than it is right now. Too much insecurity, distrust and banditry, maybe if we all remember some basic things, this will reduce slightly :)

Edited by PaxtonMega

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Interesting but you have no authority over DayZ. So this is meaningless, isn't it?

I'm not saying it's a bad idea. It's just I've seen a number of threads where people are trying to make rules or guidelines to play by but they only apply if we choose to let them. Good luck with you idea. :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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my beans for you.

re trading groups: those should maybe follow the medics' example and coordinate their efforts in one coherent thread.


Interesting but you have no authority over DayZ. So this is meaningless, isn't it?

i think you misunderstand the meaning of those rules.

Edited by e47

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Interesting but you have no authority over DayZ. So this is meaningless, isn't it?

That's why it should considered "Tips" but in fact, it's rules for people who do not want to get shot. Interesting... Did I mention I have somewhat like "authorities" in any line of the post? But if you think it's meaningless, go ahead, I wont stop you :)

my beans for you.

re trading groups: those should maybe follow the medics' example and coordinate their efforts in one coherent thread.

Thank you! :)

Yep, it would be better if we had one bigger trading group than a few smaller ones. Maybe they will make up to it like the white list medics, but till then every serious group may ensure safety :)

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