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Lefty Guns

Backpack & Inventory views

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I hate the current inventory system, especially with backpacks and how tedious and confusing it is to move things back and for.

I would like to suggest showing the backpack inventory space as an extension to the current inventory slots and the ability to move things easier between the two.

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I would like to add that handgun ammo should be placeable in the slots in the upper right in the standard inventory; same for bandages. Furthermore, items like matches, binoculars, maps and knives should be allowed to be picked up multiple times.

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Backpacks should simply determine how many total slots you have. give the standard slots when you have no pack, and simply add more on when you get a better pack. Furthermore, it shouldn't matter whether your items are in a pack or on your person you should be able to use them. I get really tired of swapping around bandages and makarov ammo every single time I play.

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