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Minimum zombie spawn radius

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I find it incredibly annoying that zombies spawn 20m of me. Save for instance, last night I was holding up in the Berezino lumber yard and watched several zombies spawn in practically on top of me, after I cleared the area out not five minutes before. I suggest that the minimum spawn radius for zombies to 75m or 100m and a maximum of 200m or 300m.

Just out of curiosity, what is it currently set to?

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I had two zombies today spawn right in front me! Not more than 10 meters!

Of course the Zombie saw me immediately and there was no alternative but to kill it and alert the others around!!! So much for stealth!

... and the problem is, I stayed away from the buildings and waited... and waited... and waited to make sure there were no surprises. I would've imagined the that was far more than enough time for the zombies to start to spawn in!

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I don't know what it's set to, but I'm pretty sure zombies aren't supposed to be spawning right on top of you. It happens though, and that's unfortunate. Their spawn radius will probably be optimized in the future.

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Yeah, hopefully it will be fixed. At least make sure all the zombies that should be in a town are spawned before that town is in viewing distance, and enforce a minimum spawn radius for zombies away from you!

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