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Question for the survivors - KoS as a medic

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I know a lot of you are directly opposed to PvP, but I'd like you to hear me out. Just read a post talking about a medic attempting to not kill anyone and while I can certainly identify with those thoughts I personally don't follow it.

I've helped out a bunch of people in-game but have adopted a fairly brusque policy of shoot on sight when I'm trying to set up a meet with someone. If my goal is to patch up someone, I don't want to be interrupted or spooked mid-bandage--my patient is usually hyper vulnerable, and I'm busy doing one of my salats at Mecca with my weapon on the ground...Since my first concern is patient safety, everyone around me that isn't them is a target. I won't even yell friendly at them--that's inviting a surprise. Straight-up: I will murder you if there is any chance of you spoiling a job.

It'd be cool if I didn't have to pop people like that, but it's the truth. As an unexpected bonus, I usually am able to gift some kit onto the next person I meet with, due to the proliferation of gps', NVGs and the like on the corpses of those unfortunate enough to be near a meet.

If you need a Medic, I'm your guy--I'll help you out with a smile :D--but don't expect me to be nice to everyone simply because I enjoy performing the role of healer. I patently refuse to let someone who asked for help die because I'm afraid to pull the trigger on a third party.

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Disappointing that the only responses are requests for aid. steamid is Udak, i'm still somewhere near NWAF, but my overwatch gets boned by the screen tears so I'm hesitant.

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Honestly, I kind of wish this type of policy could be frowned upon. But the truth is - it can't.

Regardless of who you are, most people will KoS. So it's only natural (especially when doing something as risky as taking a medic role) to take the calculated risk of eliminating threats to yourself and your friendly patients.

Plus the added loot for your patients is also a massive positive. Out of the hands of the (potential) PKer victim and into the hands of the survivors.

While it's unfortunate that you have to take on this policy, it's entirely necessary at the moment and probably helps out your patients a great deal.

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I will be sure to contact you if I ever need any help. I can understand how you would be nervous about your patient getting killed as well as yourself.

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