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Hacking players on US 814

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IGN: Lord British [cdc]


Les Stroud [cdc] (Don't know if this guy is cheating but has same clan tag and was on at the same time and then left at the same time.)

I was on the hill by Electro looking for the sniper that was shooting at me earlier and this random new spawn (Lord British) runs up to me saying watch out there is a sniper. I noticed he had a clan tag so i began to follow him hoping to find a camp or something. I lose sight of him behind some trees for a couple minutes and was trying to stay hidden. After a minute he reappeared holding some sort of rare gun (I think it was the MK 48 or some other LMG) no way he had it in his backpack because he only had a coyote patrol pack. He then kills me and I run to my corpse get everything i had back and then log out for a couple minutes. As i am logging in it appears as though everyone on the server suddenly died followed by both players with the CDC clan tag immediately leaving the game.

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IGN: Lord British [cdc]


Les Stroud [cdc] (Don't know if this guy is cheating but has same clan tag and was on at the same time and then left at the same time.)

I was on the hill by Electro looking for the sniper that was shooting at me earlier and this random new spawn (Lord British) runs up to me saying watch out there is a sniper. I noticed he had a clan tag so i began to follow him hoping to find a camp or something. I lose sight of him behind some trees for a couple minutes and was trying to stay hidden. After a minute he reappeared holding some sort of rare gun (I think it was the MK 48 or some other LMG) no way he had it in his backpack because he only had a coyote patrol pack. He then kills me and I run to my corpse get everything i had back and then log out for a couple minutes. As i am logging in it appears as though everyone on the server suddenly died followed by both players with the CDC clan tag immediately leaving the game.

this server has it bad

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I think it was 841 not 814

Was it? Sorry I might have made a typo and I don't have Dayz commander so I cant look at the recent servers I have been on.(I guess its time to get that)

It was one of those but if you were on 841 and it happened then that is probably it.

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Yea me and a friend were out on the far side of the map with no one anywhere around us and we were dropped without ever seeing someone, and then as we were running back we got turned into chickens and ported to Cherno to be slaughtered while some hacker watched in god mode.

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Troll? Because turning everyone into chickens and porting them into cherno is a "feature"

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Stop reporting people for using features of Arma II. Really guys dont you have anything better to do than report people for playing the game the way it was designed to be played?

I propose a new hack reporting format.

Topic im moaning about:

Who made me cry like a little girl:

How many times they did it:

What im going to threaten to do after i'm ignored for posting this:


Yes, it is a feature of Arma 2 to use scripts. But if you want to go use them you should actually play Arma 2. But using these scripts is certainly not how Dayz is intended to be played. The only reason it is so easy to use them is because that is one of the disadvantages of using the Arma 2 engine.

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