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Scumbag Sam

Best variety of guns and roles for a party of 6.

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So if you had a party of 6 and could dress them in any items what would they be and why? Also post what "roles" would you provide each player.

Here is my format:


Primary Weapon:

Secondary Weapon (IF ANY):

Side arm:

Clothing (Ghille, Camo, Civillian):

NVG (Yes/No):

Rangefinders or Binoculars:



This is purely out of interest, don't care if no one posts here, it's only out of curiosity :D

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One guy with a hatchet and the other five with .50 on overwatch.

Vice versa, one guy on overwatch, five lumberjacks chopping down bean trees on the coast.

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One guy with a hatchet and the other five with .50 on overwatch.

So good...

Edited by Scumbag Sam

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well they would have to have Justin Beiber hair cuts FOR SURE!

Got a humongeous mullet and a moustache for a mexican party this weekend. That hair is long gone my friend ;D

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Role: Wookie

Primary: AS50

Secondary: L85

Side Arm: PDW

Clothing: Wookie

NVG: Yes


Pack: Coyote

Lol pretty much, but just have some guys with the l85 out scouting the area, and your group it set.

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