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>2000 blood, need a transfusion northern airfield

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whats going on everybody, for the first time ever i made it to the northern airfield. exhausted and running low on food and water i tried to enter camp under the cover of night and just before i can start getting some military grade loot i hear growling behind me and i'm pinned in a room with zombies pouring through the door. they knocked me out and got me down to about 1900 blood but i emptied my endfield and pistol into the group and dropped them. so as you can see i am up a creek without a paddle. Any medics wanna assist me? i really don't wanna have to start all the way over with no supplies on the coast somewhere. I would be happy to raid the airfield for supplies with you afterward if your interested. i have mumble for in game chat private message me or post on here if you can help

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do you already have 2 blood packs? i don't have any

I have 5 :) im also looking for a partner if intersted Edited by speedy123360

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awesome, yeah i'd be down. i don't have skype unfortunately. if you have mumble you can message me your info and if not oh well private message me where your at in the airfield and what server you wanna meet on and i'll tell you the same.

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