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Australian looking for grp

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looking for sum people to play dayz with in Australia, been playing for a week or 2 solo. add me on steam natzuyamma

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Add me on steam - MOTOCROSS=DOGGER I will be on from friday 3:30pm through the whole weekend. I have a camp with cars and military grade guns. I play with 4 mates and another few from time to time. Hope to see you on.

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im trying but its not letting me register, the form to create an account is missing on my screen

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Come on to our teamspeak server we have 100 slots ready for all sorts of players playing dayz. Anyone welcome to come along and have a game with us and a few other guys i play with. currently cruising around in a pack of about 4 or 5 regularly and all up we have 35+ that play. We constatly have 10+ people online every night so finding a group is easy.

TS ip: ts36.gameservers.com:9324

If no one is in just go afk or wait until someone comes on im sure someone will drag you and have a chat.

No registation is require, and we are a community but we do have a clan as well if interested.

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