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Mature player looking for likeminded people to group with.

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Hey guys, I'm 27 and from the US. I am looking for decent, mature people to play with. I don't lost my temper about stuff and I am not greedy about loot, I share. If anyone wants to join me, my Steam name is ftwhite033. Also have teamspeak and Skype if that is preferable. (I don't mind playing on UK servers either.)

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hey I'll join you but I can't find your name on steam though.

EDIT: nevermind ftwhite03 worked

Edited by Entroe

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Thanks for all the invites guys. (Had about 13 of you.) I'm sure I will group with all of you eventually. Entroe, I had a blast grouping with ya last night. I can honestly say that was the most fun I've had on Day Z. Way better than going solo. Thanks man.

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Thanks for all the invites guys. (Had about 13 of you.) I'm sure I will group with all of you eventually. Entroe, I had a blast grouping with ya last night. I can honestly say that was the most fun I've had on Day Z. Way better than going solo. Thanks man.

I tried to find the tent post, but found this XD

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