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Cigarettes to calm down ?

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I was actually about to make a topic asking for this but yours is here :) i think that would be a great add in for DayZ. I think it would add a small, new dynamic to the game and realism. Its only small but its a choice that players can make and something they can control :) just my thoughts anyway...

Might even add another currency to trade in but i doubt they would be that common

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Didn't feel like reading rest of topic but nicotine is a stimulant. There is no physical way to smoke and become relaxed. Smoking gives the illusion of calming down but that is only if you are addicted to nicotine and suffering from withdrawals. <- Still does not calm you down.

Edited by DrDickWanker

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It's not a horrible idea, in fact I could see it being used if I played with a friend like Ir strobes, letting us know where the other is.

However, it's not very practical, and as people have pointed out, no one will want it if the pros outweigh the cons. It needs to have something better than nerve recovery. Say you can use it to, I don't know, light fires or somethin at the cost of losing th cigarette, or perhaps tossing it and using it to bait zombies.

if the pros out weigh the cons, every one will want to use it, its if the cons out weigh the pros no one will

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I think if you add these sorts of RP elements in, they should have no bearing on your stats and whatnot. Just put them in completely as a vanity item and let us light one up after a kill ;)

Though if alcohol is added that could work as a painkiller/wound disinfectant.

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How about to add cigarettes to slow down the adrenaline rush you get in panic mode ? But smoking will also lower your statima a bit.

fuck cigarettes wheres the big bag of Dank to calm my nerves!

I think they are both on to something

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Smoking wouldn't calm you down, just decrease the withdrawal symptoms caused by being addicted to smoking. A catch 22 if you think about it.

No, smoking would cover you in weakness with NO strengths. Easy to see you (smoke, light as night, etc) easier to kill you in combat (you'd start showing withdrawal symptoms under stress more often) and easier to get yourself killed (lack of cigs around the map, its the end of the world, smokers smoked them all and no one has been growing, drying or rolling them).

So no. That I'm not a smoker doesn't really matter. Any real survivor that isn't a smoker wouldn't start now unless they were total idiots (note the weakness above) or thought since they were about to die that it wouldn't matter (say they are under siege by zombies while trapped in a building).

Outside of social activity and being a symptom reliever of like 1 reallife disease, there is no reason to smoke.

That, and if they add smoking I'd want a smell meter. In real life I can smell a smoker a room away, and further if they lit up recently. You can't hide.

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Think of the Smokers in Waterworld, They were bandits but loved to smoke cigarettes.

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The idea is good and could add something to the gameplay but I have to disagree, just because I quit smoking one year ago. Being tempted again when playing DayZ would be a real torture for me.

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Smoking wouldn't calm you down, just decrease the withdrawal symptoms caused by being addicted to smoking. A catch 22 if you think about it.

No, smoking would cover you in weakness with NO strengths. Easy to see you (smoke, light as night, etc) easier to kill you in combat (you'd start showing withdrawal symptoms under stress more often) and easier to get yourself killed (lack of cigs around the map, its the end of the world, smokers smoked them all and no one has been growing, drying or rolling them).

So no. That I'm not a smoker doesn't really matter. Any real survivor that isn't a smoker wouldn't start now unless they were total idiots (note the weakness above) or thought since they were about to die that it wouldn't matter (say they are under siege by zombies while trapped in a building).

Outside of social activity and being a symptom reliever of like 1 reallife disease, there is no reason to smoke.

That, and if they add smoking I'd want a smell meter. In real life I can smell a smoker a room away, and further if they lit up recently. You can't hide.

I'm an ex smoker, I smoked for 18 years.

Today with all we know about smoking, it would be incredibly naive to start smoking. They do not relieve anxiety, they do not calm you down, they simply relieve the symptoms of the addiction.

It would be incorrect to add them to a game thousands, maybe millions of teenagers will end up playing who by being impressionable will think it's cool etc.

However you could add hard drugs like heroin, crack in game and I wouldn't have a problem, at least those drugs give you a high, cigarettes only give you cancer and other negatives.

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