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Killing a small group of 7

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I was in the mountain next to Elektro (was going to cherno) when I saw a Humvee and 2 ammo crates (obviously spawned in via hack) so I took a look to see how far away they were and how many there were. I counted 7 people.

- I have camo clothing and a AS50 on a day time server

-First shoot the wookie (had a L85)

-Second shoot the camo clothed

-Third shoot someone loading up their truck.

(this is when they actually start to react)

-Fourth and Fifth ran in a circle trying not to die so I simply shot them.

-Sixth tried to escape by taking the Humvee so I decided to shoot the tires out and the engine to blow it up ... BUT IT WAS INVINCIBLE. So I shot the wind shield instead killing him :P

-Seventh started to move the Humvee but I shot him too.




Wookie suit (didnt grab no reason to)


pop & food

coyote back pack (big one)

oh and a lot of hatchets from the 5 noobs

Edited by Derpoholic
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6 People trying to 'take over' Vysota on a highpop server. Nailed 5 in about 10 seconds, sixth tried to be sneaky. Of course I had the AS50 ;)

Edited by Tsyn

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6 People trying to 'take over' Vysota on a highpop server. Nailed 5 in about 10 seconds, sixth tried to be sneaky. Of course I had the AS50 ;)

Gotta love the AS50 :D

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Pics or it didn't happen!

...Is what most people would say.

Instead, I'll give you beans.


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If i was frapsing I would have it but sadly it happened earlier today D: - but I do have a video of me messing with my friends when we found a truck XD

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Congrats. The most I have done is 4 people looting the tents in Stary. Two of them had AKM's and the other had pistols. From my bush I was able to take out 3 before the 4th one disconnected. It was quite fun.

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