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Hello all,

Hopefully I don't seem like a lunatic but I've noticed at certain times while playing that the environment sorta "goes in motion"...Probably most noticeable when you are freezing and low on blood. Anyways the environment moving around sorta reminds me of being on acid. Soooooo rocket should put in a new rare item, "LSD". I'm sure some kid had a stash somewhere before he was eaten alive. When consumed, just increase the motion of the environment...add colors...make noise affect the screen kinda like how the heartbeat affects the screen when low on blood. If possible, do something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpksyojwqzE This is something that should go straight to the top of rocket's priority list because it will get him even more...uhhh....publicity. Rocket should also add a generator, stereo, cds, led lights, lasers, and strobe lights so i can have acid test out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of night. I'm not asking for much but seriously...this is exactly what Dayz needs.

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What is the purpose of this thread exactly other than being another great exemple of what to do to get a thread locked?

People have the right to suggest ideas even if they sound stupid for some other people.

Remember, rocket's idea have been turned down by many developers/investors because they though his idea would never make it and there we are.

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Mmm.. he might be being sarcastic? Not sure..

Lets just shoot him and take his beans anyway. Check his pockets too he might have a stash of painkillers.

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Not sure psychadelics would be the best drug of choice in an apocalyptic zombie survival game. For example: you could be eaten, shot, robbed, or worse while on them. You are already in a different reality as it is in DayZ. Plus, psychadelics are not something you can even recreate in a game setting. You know what I mean, if you know :cool:

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Its a zombie apocalypse and you're gonna die anyways....might as well have some fun and drop some acid if you got it. It might bring peace across the land! Adding this feature will give the uncool investors the middle finger and tell em "screw you, I don't need your money!" and then attract the attention of the cool investors who happen to have a lot of money. Duh.

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No thank you sir, drugs are bad - despite, it seems, the internets better judgement. I'm not sure when it became so mainstream that every game, story, and video needed a drug.

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The screen going wavy happens after sprinting, when you're tired. It's part of post processing, even when it's set to low. Turn post processing off and it'll stop going wavy.

No drugs, this isn't Fallout.

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If the drugs in game make people as boring as my drug taking friends in real life ("hey man I'm so tripping right now", "hey man can you see the psychedelic stuff I can" and so on) then I'm not for it.

I like the idea of having terrors from blood loss and stuff, and I also be down with people using Krokodil, then getting septic, then playing the whole game out of those suicide encouraging, depressing-as-the-soviet-union apartments in Berezino while their arms fall off and they listen to that really bad 90s Russian techno where some 40 year old says "love the people" in a husky voice, and there's too much reverb and enough Addidas track suits for the 86 Bulgarian winter Olympics team.

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Drugs + zombie apocolpise = bandits with rainbow suits and ammo for everyone!

(btw this should happan in you take to much painkillers)

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