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2 hackers on US 520 (Afu clan server)

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We've just had 2 hackers of relitively the same name, "tyler_austin" and "tyler austin" on US 520 at about 2 O'clock GMT me and all of my 4 friends died because of the two hackers, i spawned on a beach just away from them after they killed us, about 10 days of work, all gone. this server was basically full.

They spawned in weapons and heli's one crashed it, i ran to him and started talking to him, he said he is not a hacker, even though blatantly, he was, after crashing the heli his other friend crashed another one on top of me to kill me. My friend had it all on fraps, minus the part where i ran to them shouting the odd's. This is game breaking, and if it wasn't for us having friends whom are in clans, we would get none of our legitly earned gear back without wasting more time for it to probably happen again.

I've got video footage taken by me friend, we will upload it tomorrow as it was running for a while.

Sorry for grammatical errors, it's late and I'm really mad. I would't mind if I died legitly.

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Just so you know, AFUCLAN.com, had no part in this. They do not support hackers/cheating/duping or exploiting at all - they ban anyone they can get proof of. The only problem is that they no longer play on/moderate US 520 since they do not like the host (HFB) and have since moved on to US 1111 (Vilayer). As soon as you have that video uploaded, you should contact CMDR Jonny via their teamspeak - I'm sure he'll have no problem banning them. Good luck, young one.

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Don't worry - all bans issued are based on GUID/IP/CD KEY - so if you are the legit tyler austin who hacked, you will be banned, if you're not, you won't.

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Well we just assumed it was tyler austin, as they're similar names, sorry. We'll get it uploaded. I'm hoping swear words are tollerated, as we were so mad. I didn't mean to make it look like i was blaming AFU, i just thought adding that to it would at least give people something to go on.

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  On 8/2/2012 at 2:22 AM, TimiIllismbit said:

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Sorry, but i do not understand what you mean. :3

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Ok, i've got a video up, my mates voice is very loud, and mine is very quiet, i'm the one talking to the hacker the audio is fucked up so sorry about that, lol

Just send my mate a friend request, then refresh this link and you should see the vid, unfriend him after. he did show up the player list in game too, I'm Admaa, and my friend is Darksidesoldier


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