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ya like a blow from a .50 cal sniper from 20 yards away between the eyes...

its cool bro i can rez, this will ruin alot of the pvp and will be abused like hell.

imagen someone shooting at ppl and get killed, his friend around the corner of a wall or house keep ress him from cover^

seen this in BF and it will be abused like hell

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If you want to keep someone from dying. Bandage them and apply a blood pack.

We don't need more ways for people not to die. A defibber sounds like a multi-use healing item when there are plenty of equally effective ways to keep them from ending up dead in the first place.

Do we really want to take all of the difficulty out of the game?

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I will add a link to this thread in the 'full medical' thread, this has obviously been suggested various times already ;) ... but i hope to put links to discussions in the full medical thread that deal with each individual 'idea' in that compilation thread. Seeing this is the latest that popped up, it spares me some time searching for one :P ...

Current collected 'means' to ressurect someone, taken from the 'full medical'-thread.

- There should be a short time window in which a player can be ressurected given the proper tools/meds are applied.

- Defibrilators could be added to the game, giving a chance to ressurect a freshly killed player.

- Adrenalin shots could be needed aswell

- Any state the player was in, f/e bleeding, thirst, starvation, broken bones, etc. should reappear, needing to be dealt with.

- The player would ressurect with a very low amount of HP, so (a) bloodbag(s) could be needed aswell

- The player would likely experience pain as well, so painkillers and/or methadon may be advicable.

All in all resurrecting a player should take a great effort and thus have a great psychological impact. It should not be a mere 'shock' and play on experience.

Edited by L0GIN
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Seeing Arma is likely to register which hitbox is being hit when a player dies, it just popped in my mind that a headshot may mean that a player can not be ressurected, as that would make no sense ... no brain, no life ;) ... i would like some reflection on this before i add it to the full medical thread, if you will :)

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yea the problem is you die of blood loss not a heart attack. It dosnt matter if your able to start your heart again if you have no blood. I would like to see this item replace the epi pen though.

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If you want to keep someone from dying. Bandage them and apply a blood pack.

We don't need more ways for people not to die. A defibber sounds like a multi-use healing item when there are plenty of equally effective ways to keep them from ending up dead in the first place.

Do we really want to take all of the difficulty out of the game?

Defib should not be "another way not to die", It should be another requirement to heal people.

When someone is shot, falls unconscious, and bleed... at some point he won't have enough blood and his heart will stop.

What do you do in reality?

- You stop the bleeding (bandage, turniquet)

- You give him blood (transfusion)

- You give him oxygen (mouth-to-mouth)

- You try to restart his heart (manually, or defib)

All this should be needed. So, harder to revive people, not easier.

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While I agree that as a gameplay element (To all those who say it isn't how it works, because duh, but it's a gameplay device) it would be cool, however in this game I think the dead is dead element is even more important. People would become even more ruthless and careless if they could now come back to life.

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I don't understand why some people try to turn this game in an arcadey game like COD, Battlefield or Left 4 Dead.

If you find it too difficult, go play with those games then.

We are talking about Arma 2 afterall, a game not for everyone (luckily).

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this is not battlefield 3 stop trying to make it like it, when you put a bullet in someone's head they cant get back up. Or unless u could use them for unconcious patients.. but bringing people back to life.. NO.

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Okay, for those of you who are saying that this is a Zombie game... That one guy... So what? It's supposed to imitate what being in a zombie apocalypse would be like.

A defibrillator, AS MANY PEOPLE HAVE SAID, is used to adjust the rhythm of a BEATING heart. It is not capable of restarting a heart. That's the job of CPR, which is capable of restarting a heart. At that point, you would apply an AED in order to test the rhythm, and if it's a fibrillated rhythm, you shock. Otherwise, you can't do shit.

To recap: you can't restart a heart without manual interaction. A defibrillator isn't magical. It can't do much aside from adjust the rhythm, from a problematic one to a safer one. The only way I could see this happening is if their blood were low, they went unconscious and went into cardiac arrest, which would be hard as hell to spot. You could do CPR and shock them in time to transfuse them, which would have a low percentage of working. That's about it.

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Defib should not be "another way not to die", It should be another requirement to heal people.

When someone is shot, falls unconscious, and bleed... at some point he won't have enough blood and his heart will stop.

What do you do in reality?

- You stop the bleeding (bandage, turniquet)

- You give him blood (transfusion)

- You give him oxygen (mouth-to-mouth)

- You try to restart his heart (manually, or defib)

All this should be needed. So, harder to revive people, not easier.


I agree 100% I'm all for a defib, but it should be part of a process. Other things also need to be added.

1. We need to be able to drag/carry bodies.

2. We need a diagnose victim option. This should let us check pulse, breathing, bleeding, and whether vital areas are destroyed. Head shots and if possible shots to the heart should be 100% fatal and non recoverable though I suppose telling if a round actually hit the heart would be more difficult to discern.

3. We then need to be able to perform functions such as cpr or rescue breathing.


Life saving is not game breaking or op. If done properly it is immersive and intense. There also shouldn't be a set time for a flat failure rate. There should be a % chance for success that gradually goes down the longer the victim goes without treatment. The possibility of being able to rescue someone can also work in a sniper's favor. If you're sniping and you drop a guy, his buddies will likely feel urged to try and save him if they are able This will cause them to take more risks and expose themselves to your fire in an effort to save their friend. If they can't be revived, his friends will be solely focused on killing you and should they succeed, well, we all know their buddy is just gonna run straight there and get all his loot back anyway so boo f-ing hoo right?


It also encourages teamwork which oh so many people complain there's not enough incentive for. Being a proper medic should require knowledge, guts, knowing when to act and when not too, and a vast assortment of tools.

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Well although this topic is old i like the idea (maybe places the defib. to better use ingame) as long as if the implamentation of this makes sense (i don't know ^^).

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