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DE 1080 - Admin kick/server lock abuse after being killed

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I've submitted this TWICE now at the server reporting forum, but for some reason it isn't getting approved:

Server Name:

DayZ - DE 1080 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95389) [VETERAN][GMT] dayzmod.com - hosted by gamed!de

(Your) Timezone: UTC/GMT +1

Date/Time: 31/07/2012 - between 01h30am to 2h15am

Server Administrator('s): Chuck Testa

What happened:

Myself (ingame name Ewald) along with 3 friends (Eignad, Makaken, Sabones) were playing on DE 1080. We had a motorbike & a Hilux. Sabones and makaken in the hilux suddenly spotted a bus with 2 players in it, David & Chuck Testa. Unsuspecting that they were being tailed, they got their bus stuck in some debris laying on the road (a wrecked military car). Eignad & myself caught up to them aswell & we carefully surrounded them. While they were trying to unstuck the bus, we took out David. 10 seconds later the server admin, Chuck Testa, kicked EVERYBODY from the server except David (even the others who weren't involved at all) and locked the it. This happened around 1h44am. After that happened, I started writing a thread here (which apparantly wasn't approved). While I was doing that, the server was unlocked.

When we logged back in, we saw that somebody was at our Hilux (which was loaded with valuable items that we got from the 3 helicopter crashes we found) looting the weapons etc we found. When we shot him, it apparantly was the admin (expectable) and he instantly kicked all of us again & locked the server once more.

Uptil this moment, 31/07/2012 9h11pm, the server is still locked.

Summary: Basicly we met an admin who was playing with his friend, who couldn't stand the fact that we killed them & decided to abuse his admin powers in response.

Because of this we lost a Toyota Hilux that we had spend alot of time on repairing on & a motorcycle. We also lost all our gear that we had put in the Hilux, which included alot of rare weapons that could drop from Helicopter crashes that we had been looking for after we repaired the Hilux.

Evidence/Proof: Unfortunatly, none of us was using video capture software. I don't exactly know how I could've taken screenshots of this, since the only thing I'd pretty much be able to show is a message window saying "you were kicked from the game" which proves absolutely nothing.

However, I'm quite sure that the server logs can show the events that happened on the server?

I honestly don't get how this cannot be dealt with.

If I could run third-party video capture software, I would, but even though I have a damn fine desktop, I still cannot fraps DayZ because of the shitty ARMA2 engine eating up my pc. I cannot see how it can be demanded to run third-party software in order to deal abusive admins.

An easy solution would be a demoing feature such as counter-strike has.

Even though, I can't see how such a thing is necisarry for something this straightforward. Do ARMA2 servers not have serverlogs or anything? Every action that was done by this admin should be visible in server event-logs.

I cannot see how a screenshot would be of any evidence either. What could we have taken a screenshot off? The "you have been kicked from the game window?" How exactly does that prove anything at all? It could be taken at any given moment on another server. It doesn't reveal anything about the actions of the admin.

Even server monitoring sites such as http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/271774 show a million times more information/evidence than a screenshot of a kickmessage would.

It pisses me off greatly, knowing that this guy is getting away with this, while he abused his admin powers to the fullest & only reaps the benefits of it. In the end, dieing has granted him & his friend with a fully repaired hilux with an insane amount of loot in it and a dirtbike.

If I could run Fraps in arma2, I gladly would. I'd love to capture epic moments (like these kills were, regardless of the admin abusing his power) like this.

Yet there is absolutely no logic in requiring video footage to provide evidence in server-related activity. Especially not when such footage can only be acquired through third party software & there is no in-game demo function.

TL:DR: Why should a player run third-party software, which stresses your system massively, to prove the abusive actions of an admin? Every action an admin does should be recorded in the eventlog of a server.

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