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CA 1 banned for no reason

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i was playing on ca1 having funs with others was playing with a guy named in your clan[zic] xin something i dont very remember his name he take me in cherno with his atv and take me to nw airfield we having fun around to find me a wepons and he take me back to cherno after like 5 minutes i decided its was late since its was 5 am so i went to bed, after i wake up when i wanted to play on the server it say's i was banned for hacking/cheating for no reason when i did nothing

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CA 1 are a bunch of hackers. I've been meaning to report them. I was on there server, watched a dude spawn a car. before he could jump in it, I jumped in LOL. Then later i smashed up a wheel on the car, went to find a wheel. Then when i came back, some dude in was repairing it so i shot him, 1 sec later my legs were broke and I was dead. Then I was kicked from there server and not allowed in again.

Next time I am going to fraps them and get there server banned since they are a bunch of hacing douches. Hacking needs to stop, this is getting out of hand and makes me not want to play this mod.

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CA 1 are a bunch of hackers. I've been meaning to report them. I was on there server, watched a dude spawn a car. before he could jump in it, I jumped in LOL. Then later i smashed up a wheel on the car, went to find a wheel. Then when i came back, some dude in was repairing it so i shot him, 1 sec later my legs were broke and I was dead. Then I was kicked from there server and not allowed in again.

Next time I am going to fraps them and get there server banned since they are a bunch of hacing douches. Hacking needs to stop, this is getting out of hand and makes me not want to play this mod.

it's a private hive, gl.

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Are you sure there private. When I attempted to play on there servers another time and my stuff transfered over to different servers.

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call of dayz, [zic] xin, skeet, ^( ^_^)^, and all of RGB are douche bag hackers , I've watched them a few nights in a row.

Edited by :VADER:

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call of dayz, [zic] xin, skeet, ^( ^_^)^, and all of RGB are douche bag hackers , I've watched them a few nights in a row.

No, please stop spreading lies about the server when you have no actual proof. I'm tired of pretentious little kids like you who spread complete lies throughout gaming forums.

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i was playing on ca1 having funs with others was playing with a guy named in your clan[zic] xin something i dont very remember his name he take me in cherno with his atv and take me to nw airfield we having fun around to find me a wepons and he take me back to cherno after like 5 minutes i decided its was late since its was 5 am so i went to bed, after i wake up when i wanted to play on the server it say's i was banned for hacking/cheating for no reason when i did nothing


they are a bunch of douchebags keep away from their lame ass server.

ur mean :(

edit: banned.

Edited by CA1Admin
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xanhilationx i was playing with you the other night on CA1 , you tried to murder me in the apartments in cherno by the hospital, you had an 1911 and unloaded like hell on me. but i managed to drop you as you ran in the back room. you were on the same time as all these hacking assholes. so i can vouch for you. STAY AWAY FROM CA1 THEY SPREAD LIES and ruin this wonderful game.

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ive try to murder you since you cant trust anyone in dayz and you lucky you survived i had 2 ammo with only 3 bullets each and yes this day there was hackers since ive been thunderdome like everyone and lost all my shits

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its first time i seen a hackers yet ive got luck from others server but on this one its seem that there many hackes

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Sweet Jesus. Use their, there and they're correctly I think I'm gonna die

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its first time i seen a hackers yet ive got luck from others server but on this one its seem that there many hackes

This post is hilarious because you played exactly once on CA1 for 4 hours before you were banned.

Edited by CA1Admin

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I wish i would have fraped the shit that occured on CA1. But CA1 are a bunch of hackers. I guess since there private, then hack the shit out of it b/c nothing will happy to you expect getting banned from CA1 shit server anyways.

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well i liked this server because i could have a new guy and i had like 20 ms so i had 0 lag, but since ive got banned for idk reason, i probably understand why people just talk shit about this server

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I wish i would have fraped the shit that occured on CA1. But CA1 are a bunch of hackers. I guess since there private, then hack the shit out of it b/c nothing will happy to you expect getting banned from CA1 shit server anyways.

You have no proof whatsoever here, let me show you a quote of a fellow [RGB] clan member and a video of how we play.


RGB Fourty7 here.

I don't like being called a hacker, or having someone talk about our friend's server this way. Here's a video of how we play.

I would not want to play with hacked/cheated/spawned/cloned gear. I think that is pathetic, I am a game dev and want to see games played the way the dev's want them...

I mostly use an AKM because it's my favourite weapon in arma. Been playing Arma2 for four years, check my steam account...


Also, I don't accuse you of hacking, because you aren't very good at killing people (We stopped a helicopter 5 feet from you and I told you to get in and you shot me with your m4 lmfao, only down to 9000 blood), but you did have 3 g36 subsonic magazines on your body, which is not in the game, and we definately don't have (The only gun I use in arma without dayz is g36cSD, check any of my other youtube vids lmfao).

This is how much I hate the hacking in dayz, and what my opinion is on it...

If you think we "Spawn vehicles" because we always have a chopper, geuss what, I know how to fly. That's why we don't need to "Spawn vehicles", because we don't loose them. Didn't even loose it to you when we didn't shoot until you shot me (Pilot). Yes we shot your boat down, but that was after we told you to stop and you tried to ram the chopper. Anyway's, I hope you actually read this without raging because I don't know why you think we do anything you are accusing. Thanks bye.

Edited by BreakPoint

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