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Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

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Was playing on US 1023 at around 8PM EST searching around the Old Fields for tents when suddenly 3 members from the server's clan died on global message and the server was instantly shut down.

I'm guessing they did this to get their characters to roll back which I wouldn't really care about, but I was also banned while they "check logs" however long that will be. What exactly did I do wrong and I know they own the server, but can people really do this?

I guess I won't be banned forever, but how long do these usually last? I really enjoyed playing on that server with my friends

EDIT: My char name was "James"

Edited by jameskp

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They can't "roll" their characters back as an admin. Once they die, they are dead, just like you.

They likely shut down the server to try to figure out who did the hacking that killed them so they can ban.

Server admins are a bit overwhelmed with the muliple hack attacks per night on any busy server. If they ban whoever was on that they don't personally know, they are guaranteed to have banned at least the one hacker, maybe more.

From an admin perspective, the innocents who were banned can play on another server but at least some hackers can't come back.

Edited by Slyder73
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Hmm it's understandable, but still irks me. Oh well. I guess I need to find a new home.

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Hey James, I administer the US 1023 Server.

We've been having a lot of instances where users were teleporting users and themselves, becoming invisible when moving and reappearing when shooting.

Slyder73 is correct, we cannot rollback users once they have died.

I have pulled the logs during this incident and have found a few irks with your name tagged and another user.

If all checks out the ban will be removed shortly.

Thanks for the post.

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We META gamed them. You were banned unfairly. I was later banned and another friend was also banned. We had a member of our group inflitrate their clan and spy on them for around the last 6 weeks. We decided today that we were going to destroy them as we know they kill noobs at the coast for nothing. This was a long long time in planning and almost perfectly executed. The full video will be posted tomorrow ( too tired to make it now (( it's long )) and anyone viewing that will see that this server is run by admins who abuse their priviledges.

BTW Lambeta, nice Alt-F4 attempt.

Edited by The Scrub
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Lol Scrub, you have some balls posting here.

You and your mate logged off when you were being shot at, you only shot down our helicopter and killed one our guys.

How pathetic, please grow some balls and shut up. Also can't wait for that video.

And please no edits.

I love how your friend threatty was it?

attempted to ghost us, sad... so sad.

Also, We know you did nothing wrong.

Lambeta certainly did not ban you.

Edited by Tfortacos

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Thanks for the replies, hope everything gets sorted out because I've never hacked anything before @.@

Hope to play with you all

Edited by jameskp
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We META gamed them. You were banned unfairly. I was later banned and another friend was also banned. We had a member of our group inflitrate their clan and spy on them for around the last 6 weeks. We decided today that we were going to destroy them as we know they kill noobs at the coast for nothing. This was a long long time in planning and almost perfectly executed. The full video will be posted tomorrow ( too tired to make it now (( it's long )) and anyone viewing that will see that this server is run by admins who abuse their priviledges.

BTW Lambeta, nice Alt-F4 attempt.

You were not banned. Neither was your friend.

I was not even in game during the time your and a few other members were shooting/getting shot at.

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Tfortacos, haha, you never shot at Scrubs or Karbo:)

Karbo and Scrub took you all of you out at once in the heli.

Lambeta logged in after he shut down the server the 2nd time, and then died when login back on.

and then shut down the server yet again lol.

So Stop spreading your BS Tacos lol

Btw , James was banned unfairly.

So was Scrubs Karbo and myself:)

Edit: Scrub will post video.

Edit: Lambeta, yes you banned all 3 of us after we shot Tacos by the white truck haha

Edited by Xerpt

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EDIT - I take it back. Though I am disappointed with how quick you are to call hax and also ban others.

And for those who may need a little more help. I was told that you'd accused me of hacking earlier that day, so I changed my name to avoid being banned. Then changed it repeatedly after these server shut downs. You got wrecked fair and square.

Edited by The Scrub

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Tfortacos, haha, you never shot at Scrubs or Karbo:)

Karbo and Scrub took you all of you out at once in the heli.

Lambeta logged in after he shut down the server the 2nd time, and then died when login back on.

and then shut down the server yet again lol.

So Stop spreading your BS Tacos lol

Btw , James was banned unfairly.

So was Scrubs Karbo and myself:)

Edit: Scrub will post video.

Yeah, was definitely odd going to a secluded location and having everyone insta-die.

Without knowing what or who did that and not knowing if that person was a hacker and could teleport the rest of the server the server was shut down.

Now, knowing that it was a planned act - kudos. Well played.

You'll have some nice footage since you were recording the teamspeak as well.

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Yeah, was definitely odd going to a secluded location and having everyone insta-die.

Without knowing what or who did that and not knowing if that person was a hacker and could teleport the rest of the server the server was shut down.

Now, knowing that it was a planned act - kudos. Well played.

You'll have some nice footage since you were recording the teamspeak as well.

Indeed, can't wait to see the footage, the recording of TS was damn good at least:).

Hard planning , Nicely played out:).

Kudos to Karbo and Scrub for staying online so late for this fantastic assault .

I have to say, Salgor, im sorry, your a great guy:).

But Tod, Steven or what ever ur name was, shame u weren't there.

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Edit: Lambeta, yes you banned all 3 of us after we shot Tacos by the white truck haha

There are not other bans beside James and one other person. (Besides the default bans.txt) - feel free to play on the server. You are not banned. Neither is The Scrubs.

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There are not other bans beside James and one other person. (Besides the default bans.txt) - feel free to play on the server. You are not banned. Neither is The Scrubs.

Scrub was: Cunnyfunt

Karbo was: Jon - PC

Xerpt was: Imnotbad

4th player that was banned directly after Karbo and Scrub shot at heli was threatty = andray

And ofcourse let's not forget James who wasn't even close to us

None of those were cheating, and we got video of the whole thing lol.

Edited by Xerpt

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Scrub was: Cunnyfunt

Karbo was: Jon - PC

Xerpt was: Imnotbad

4th player that was banned directly after Karbo and Scrub shot at heli was threatty = andray

And ofcourse let's not forget James who wasn't even close to us

None of those were cheating, and we got video of the whole thing lol.

What was odd is that the same GUID's were jumping around ghosting as found in the logs.

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Unedited logs with time stamps please. I was in and out of your server all day due to RL stuff or helping out group members on other servers, as well as dumping stuff I'd raided from you onto them for storing. No one disconnected under fire, combat logged or ghosted.

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Unedited logs with time stamps please. I was in and out of your server all day due to RL stuff or helping out group members on other servers, as well as dumping stuff I'd raided from you onto them for storing. No one disconnected under fire, combat logged or ghosted.

This morning it was reported that a user "The Scrubs" and "Threatty"(or similar, cannot recall) were disconnecting under fire and reconnecting back in tree cover.

None of your "clan" or friends are banned.

If logs are needed for a dispute with DayZ Server mods/admins they will be provided.

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I have never once disconnected under fire. I have always died the honourable death. if someone told you I was disconnecting under fire then they're full of shit.

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This morning it was reported that a user "The Scrubs" and "Threatty"(or similar, cannot recall) were disconnecting under fire and reconnecting back in tree cover.

None of your "clan" or friends are banned.

If logs are needed for a dispute with DayZ Server mods/admins they will be provided.

We got all the fighting that happend to day on video Alpha, so stop talking shit and get your facts straight .

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:o am I still banned by chance? Was thinking of playing when I get off work in a few hours

Also - I had an awesome fight/search @ Starry today with someone from Ely :D

Edited by jameskp

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:o am I still banned by chance? Was thinking of playing when I get off work in a few hours

Also - I had an awesome fight/search @ Starry today with someone from Ely :D

No you're not banned. No one is banned on the server besides default bans.

As for Starry... That was you! Heard DMR shots being fired at another member and we went with the heli... Was quite fun.

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Xerpt, just post the video.

I'm just hoping you guys didn't edit any of it.

Well obviously there'll be an edited one so as not to bore people. Just for you guys though, I will put together all of the footage i have on my HDD ( explaining any gaps as i don't constantly record due to HD space, just when shit is going down ) so you can see and hear all of what happened.

Edited by The Scrub

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It's silly how you are threatening to post the video, but still haven't posted it.

Go ahead and post it. I want to see it.

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