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Two times today I've encountered hackers who teleport everyone to the 'thunderdome' where you lose all items and are droped of in a deathmatch like arena filled with weapons and kit. You can stay there take the gear or not but you cant abort and alt-f4ing results in death. ROCKET YOU MASSIVE COCKLORD how bout instead of adding a fancy loading screens and stupid graphical glitches why not address the MASS amounts of fucking HACKING???????

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well dont blame rocket, he is not the one running Battleeye, the supposedly anti hacker program, which obviously doesnt work. but i think he should change to punkbuster or something else, battleeye is ancient crap.

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Why not actually learn about the game. Rocket and his team cannot stop hackers. Battleye is what deals with hackers. If you a problem with hackers, take it up with them. Please, don't rage if you don't know what you're talking about.

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my educated guess is that vanilla arma 2 had a far more mature audience than dayz. Youll find that alot of people who play simulations are typically in their late 20's at the youngest. Hell, a few years back I was in a clan ran by a 71 year old englishman who went by the name of Sid. Another thing is that people who play simulations arent so much interested in K/D ratios as they are in getting an authentic experience, and hacking is far from authentic.

Having all the extra exposure for Dayz and arma is, in my opinion, fucking great. However, as with any large crowd of people, your going to get some assholes. Were going to have to deal with them for now, until they get banned, bored, or just plain blocked with anti-cheat software.Until then if you are interested in helping rocket and the dev team out, try to give them the hackers information. You are alpha testing after all, so next time some hacking is going down, make a note of the time and what server. That way you can email a server admin and they can determine who was hacking. Most of the servers I play on give you some way to get in contact with the admins.

Hacking this profound will be difficult to deal with, and the solution i provided is FAR from ideal. Still, discovering the identity of hackers and getting them banned will go a whole lot further helping this game than calling rocket a cocklord and just all around behaving like a child on the forums.

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Some assholes is a proper understatement, and I was a little pissed when a 12 year old comes on and ruins a 10 day character..

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OK well why are there no hackers in ARMA 2 eh?

There are plenty of hackers in ArmA II. I guess you're just lucky not to have run into them. Also, as the other guys said, the regular ArmA community is very mature. They play because they like simulators, not because they like to shoot people.

Some assholes is a proper understatement, and I was a little pissed when a 12 year old comes on and ruins a 10 day character..

Get over it. Remember the first rule of DayZ.

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Hackers have been an issue in Arma2 for years. BI and Battleye have never worked to deal with them. BI has long since moved on to developing other games.

Most of the Arma2 commmunity is pretty mature, plays the simulator games with regular groups of people. The admin on my regular server the past few years bans hackers at least once a week. The reason they are identified is because any new person who joins and suddenly blows everythign up or starts spawning vehicles not in that particular mission is obvious.

Hackers in DayZ cause a lot more problems because of the popularity of the mod and the fact that your persistent character takes days to build up. But, Rocket has nothing to do with being able to fix that. DayZ is just a mod for Arma2.

Sounds like you have a bit of an anger going on. Read up a bit about the issues and go on the BI or Battleye forums and put pressure on them.

The one good thing about community anger is that the suddenly very large DayZ community may be able to convince BI to actually DO something about the hacking issue after three years.

Edited by Slyder73
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