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Way to contact server admins ?

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Ive been playing on the same server for a while (somehow it takes forever to connect to most servers since, this is one of the few where it doesnt remind you of loading games on a c64) and have some pretty decent stuff gathered, some vehicles, a lot of tools and weopons so i can run strait back to base if i get killed, you get the point.

So i wanted to try to get in touch with the guys who run the server and see if we could team up,

but they dont broadcast any ts-ip or anything, and a google search for their server or clan name brought me nowhere.

Any way to get their attention apart from waiting for them to be online during server restart/ 60 sec timout group chat ?

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yeah try posting/searching about it in the server general. theres a chance someone on the forums may know them! you havent even put which server it is in this post!

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you havent even put which server it is in this post!

Yeah because its fast and not overpopulated, so i dont want to get any unneccesary attention to it ;)

( as far as i read, im not the only one who has trouble connecting to servers, so i would rather give my nvg's away than the name of the server)

Guess ill just have to be patient and wait for the enabled group chat after server restart.

Thx for help.

Edited by hausser0815

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