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Sniping attracting zombies from 400m out ?

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3 of us was looting the military tent in Berezino. I was about 450m out from the tents and covering another buddy that is looting the camp. We saw 2 guys driving the Ural towards the tents. We end up killing them as soon as they got out of the truck. As soon as i fired my 2nd shot of the AS50. there was about 6-10 zombies all running out of town and frenzy forwards me. i end up running around to buy time for my friends to kill them behind me.

Is this common with the AS50/M107 ? there was prob no zombie in the radius of 400-600M. Soon as i fire the gun, they all came out of Berezino and run towards me. We were lucky with those 2 kills early, if we didnt, the zombies end up giving our position away.

Should i be farer back ? like 800m-1000m?

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god I do love to shot that damn thing near cities LEEENFIELD4LYYFEE

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Wise switch to a m24 from now on? Or do people actually snipe from 800m+ ?

Of course people snipe from 800m+ its just harder.

I'd simply say maybe a 600m range should be decent for those weapons. Even 500m. That's still out of the range.

BUT... that's just on paper. I've never been able to test it as finding those weapons is hard for me.

So good luck. =)

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Wise switch to a m24 from now on? Or do people actually snipe from 800m+ ?

I usually snipe between 500-800 meters I would do farther but the fog makes it a pain in the ass. My farthest confirmed kill on a very clear day was a little over 1800 with the as50

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I usually snipe between 500-800 meters I would do farther but the fog makes it a pain in the ass. My farthest confirmed kill on a very clear day was a little over 1800 with the as50

In what game? Vision is limited to 1000 meters in DayZ.

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In what game? Vision is limited to 1000 meters in DayZ.

He had a friend at the 1000 meter mark giving him coordinates. So he's basically a one man artillery unit.

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Wise switch to a m24 from now on? Or do people actually snipe from 800m+ ?

I snipe from 1km, far away from any zombie, while my friend is going in to loot the corpses. i use the M107, it is even lauder^^

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You need someone to PREFIRE for you, one of the disadvantages of the weapon if you want to do medium range sniping with a .50 cal.

Edited by Vipala

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