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abram (DayZ)

Did I just encounter hackers?

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I was running in a field when i got shot in the leg and then was surrounded by guys in ghille suits. They patched me up and said I had to kill a person who they would release at me. After this happened 3 times I realized they weren't releasing them, they were spawning them so I talked to the guy 4th guy maybe, not sure, and he said he was just teleported there. So I ran away with him and then bandaged him and then we logged off the server. I have 30 seconds of it recorded with fraps. Are they hackers? I might have their names from the Fraps video but I think one was "( )" for sure. The server was US1249 hosted by sky-netgaming.com

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Lol, yes, post the video or no one will believe you..

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Applying Occam's Razor: Yes.

Creative ones, though.

Edited by Disgraced

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I rewatched the video I captured and i have one name that I cant seem to pause on that is there for maybe .5 of a second. I will try and get his name using slow motin some how

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Ya, i just installed windows movie maker now. It'll take me a little bit on my slow internet to upload it but it will be uploaded soon i hope

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