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You where kicked from the game (battleye: banned)

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I have played in us 65 for about 2 days now, scurrying around elektro gathering guns and other items. I found an m16 in one firehouse, went to the other found an ak kobra. I then trailed my way back to the supermarket where I found a tent, just what i was looking for. I then logged out as it was getting late and I was tired. Logged in this morning and started my journey. I trekked north finally stopping not to far from pusta found the perfect place for my tent. I began walking backwards trying to place my tent until I get it right. I then started stuffing the tent with some food and the extra gun and out of nowhere my person breaks their leg and falls over, no gunshot no nothing. And then I died before I even hit the ground. Now this was a veteran server so there where not death messages however, you know how when your loading you will see your person yelling commands under groupchat? Well it was over and over, person after person, getting killed. 55 is down, 21 is dead, etc. and then I go to use the rest room, and when I got back there was a neat little message saying I was banned. It is only for this server, but I would like to know why I got banned, I died just like everyone else and I doubt the admins banned everyone.

tl;dr: banned for absolutely nothing.

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