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Game unplayable due to hacking

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Our server is being relentlessly hacked nightly. This has made the game unplayable for "serious" players.

I realize that the engine has certain security limitations. Is there any timeline on when we can expect to see the beginnings of a playable standalone, where these cocksucking whoresons can be somewhat controlled or contained? I absolutely LOVE this mod. With all of the alpha glitches, etc... I still love it. But the stress of being killed nightly by invisi-players with speed hacks, ported into "mazes", having all of our vehicles disappear has tipped the fun to frustration ratio far out of whack.

I am down with losing gear, and having to start over. Thats the nature of the beast. I dont mind "losing" to someone better, or luckier than I am. But the current state of affairs is to shitty to be endured.

Cant wait for you guys to have something in place to counter these bastards. I have never been into pwding server, but am starting to believe that servers should be accessible by application only. It wont cure the problem, but it could be more of a deterrent.... Since there are NO deterrents existing currently.

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Play a low-pop server, or make your server a non-hive one. Hackers tend to attack non-hive servers less. Also, non-hive servers (seem, don't take my word for it, look it up first) seem to be immune to kicking, banning, and locking restrictions. See where i'm going with this?

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And how about getting banned for picking up à weapon some people just dont know wich guns are in this game its silly hackers dont get banned but people who find gear randomly They do or yesterday à Guy finds à suit And 2 minuten later banned global this is really silly

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My entire squad was killed in a matter of seconds by an invisible man. I think I've just reached the point where I don't want to play anymore... something needs to be done... passworded community servers, maybe whitelist only, I don't know. Waiting for BattlEye and engine updates just won't be enough to fix this. Every life I've had this week, I've been either instantly killed, dropped, teleported, or thunder-domed. Even on the low population servers. It's just not worth it to play right now.

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I was on US155 about an hour ago, most of the population were just insta-killed in a second, no teleports, no dodgy spawns, just killed.

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Tonight I saw an invisible man who turned me into a zombie before killing me, server-wide leg breakings, mass teleports/firing squads, vehicles spawning everywhere (including a boat on top of the Balota air control tower), my friend spawning in at random places all over the map, and the usual hackers gearing themselves up instantly. If I hadn't already resigned to messing around along the coast without worrying about trying to acquire fancy gear, I'd be pretty annoyed... I agree there's not really any point in trying to play seriously right now.

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I think I'm pretty much done with DayZ. The Hacking of EVERY server I go on is getting out of hand. I have yet to be ported to The Thunderdome thank god. But I had lots of gear today then BAM whole server dead. Other days its random leg breaks or everyone being teleported to a flying chopper. Its sad I can play a Free game like League of Legends an not worry about hacking but not on a game I paid for...(Arma2) I mean yes I did buy the game just for DayZ but come on. Ever since the Steam Summer Sale All I have seen is hacking. Never seen it before the sale of Arma2. I'm going to give it one more day, if i get hacked again I'm done..

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What do we want to see added to the control panels of our servers??

I want to know who is killing who on the logs and on screen ingame

what weapon they used to kill who on screen ingame

I want to see where it shows someone hacking in items easier than having to traipse through those wall of text logs

what else do we want so it makes an admins life slightly easier than this fkn bs that we have to put up with daily? I sure hope that Rocket is letting this happen for a reason so security on the stand alone game will be upped 100%!!!!

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yeah have to agree, several times some script kidy has come onto the server and teleported every vehicle to a certain location, killed everyone etc

right now the game isnt playable at all.

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Its sad but true that the game is at the moment unplayable.

it was wonderfull after the first bannwave (i lived 4 days in a row after that).

and now ?? i got killed 4 times in one day by hackers on several even low populated servers...

ill stop playing this game even though i love the concept so much until either there comes a new bannwave and some fixes or you give the serveradmins more power so they can actually do something against the hackers.

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Finally had some time to play DayZ with the gang and what do you know, within 1hr we had encountered our first "teleporter". So blatant/stupid was this kid, we caught him out porting infront of us on more than one occasion (alas the expert difficulty mode made indentification for us impossible).

I haven't played for roughly a month and had read all the threads. Now I have seen it for myself.

I'll wait for the standalone.

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