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Looking for some comrades

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Hey all i just started playing this mod.I only lasted 30 minutes on my first time but sadly i died to a fluke.I was simple making my way through the coast and got hit by a zombie which somehow did 5k blood in one hit,broke my leg,which made me konk out, and finally bleed to death rapidly.

Speaking that zombies normally only did about 300 dmg or a little bit more,that was insane.

I had managed to get food and supplies,plenty of bandages, and a hachet.Killed about 16 zombies before dying.I am saddened by how many buildings you simply cannot enter.I hope that changes in the future.

Anyway i am looking for some mates to team up with.I have skype,vent(if you have server open),teamspeak(same thing), and mumble(same thing.

I am simply looking to explore on a low populated server and really get used to the game.

I hope zombies become more exciting as the only they are challenging atm is groups,fluke hits, and terrible pathing.Otherwise pretty easy to dispose of.

Look forward to some fun with you folks.

Edited by Wolfgrey666

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hello any chance you could tell me were you are from ?? :)

if you're staying anywhere near Europe you can add me on skype : Pekinggezer1

im not well experienced in the game, but i know the basics...

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