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Looking for EST players

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Got 2 people me and a bud but we need more then just 2. He isnt on but will be later.

We talk on mumble so you need mumble

Looking for EST or Central time zones

Must know what you are doing

Helps to know where you are on the map

What we want to accomplish

1. Explore/go up north

2. Find some crashed helis

3. Drink some mountain dew

4. Find a vehicle

Edited by seemingepic

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what are your main motives in this game? and if you can, would you send me a SS of your inventory? I'm way past the "know what you're doing phase" and i'm not really the one for carrying people with sub-par gear.

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Just started the game! lookin for others, already got most of the controls down :P

whts your mumble info

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Just started the game! lookin for others, already got most of the controls down :P

whts your mumble info

Sorry, I want a little more experience then just starting :L

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Dew? I'm in.

19, Male, Eastern Daylight Time. Played for about a week, then reinstalled windows and fell out of it. Started playing again a couple days ago, had some good gear until being unfortunately slaughtered earlier today. I'm currently just north of Komarovo but that is most likely to change shortly.

I also possess a ventrilo server if you would like to use it.

Edited by -Prowler-

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