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Settlement construction - discussion and Suggestions (For the suicidal and ambitious)

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So im starting this topic as a form of open communication with other survivors who are suicidal enough to dream of settlements and are willing to try out forms of such.

Im going to get right down to it, we all want to survive, and alot of us want to co-operate with each other, but with all this shooting on sight and distrust its near impossible, i however, don't suggest me remove these things, or even refute them as a people, im suggesting we do as rocket intended, and fix things on our own, using the tools provided.

Yes i know the construction system is limited and buggy, yes i know there are alot of people that enjoy killing others, while there both valid points, if you consider them the end all be all towards this discussion, please just leave.

Im suggesting we try, You know that guy that snipes people on the south side of the map for fun? hell, are you him, i bet a large number of you are, i know i have been in the past. well lets accept them, sounds crazy right? well billy m107 is a sniper, whos been practicing, so why not offer to let him use the settlement, he'll shoot back when the people come to disrupt everything, its what they do, kill people, why not offer to let them kill the right people.

You know them "carebears?" the ones who want peace and joy to all?, turn them away, we don't want people unwilling to survive and protect themselfs, a survive who expects to recieve and gain protection, we don't need them, there not a survivor at all, there a leech, so come, bring your guns, hang out with people just as jumpy and well armed as you, yes you all have guns, and yes, you can all use them, you may not trust each other, but its a lot less appertising to fire when you know there are 12 people just like you in the same position to fire back.

So yes, humans are a paranoid lot, thats what makes us, us. so why not survive using it.

You know that barbwire, double stack it, it'll stop the zeds, and it'll stop people removing it just because they can, why?.

No one wants to stand out in the open for long periods of time, thats why, exspecially not when its a settlement filled with paranoid humans who will kill anyone harming there chances of survival.

You know trading right, always gets you killed? nah, fortify a settlement including buildings with interals, avoids sniperfire and set ups, and if they try and con you, or just run with the goods, shoot em, why not there not assisting the other surivors and if your losing out, whats the risk anyhow, i bet the survivors will be more understanding if you say your peice first, no one likes a theif.

squads of bandits coming to your camp? maybe your numbers will keep them from being hostile, and there man power and weapons will deter other bandits, or maybe your sheer amount of survivors can fight back, whats the risk really, nothing more then you'd find out on your own.

I know this is all talk from me, no fruits of my labour or any such. but im willing to try, i'll grab the equipment to build if i can get it, but where do i build, what server will be up long enough for it to work, does the server boot people from international bases, because ping kicks are no fun.

So tell me guys, what ideas or throughts do you have?

i can't be the only one thinking this.

Side note, sorry for my poor grammar and spelling, while english is my first language, i didnt pay much attention at school, and the only one i have to blame for that is myself.

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there are already people in the game doing such things but it takes alot of work and organization and you need a REALLY BIG group to do it.

btw, you're english is pretty damn good.

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Oh? i found a few spots i'v considered, such as the open buildings below zub castle, and belota airfield (which is safest location i'v found so far if fortified well). i was considering a public settlement community aswell, however i fear most will consider it a trap or fair game, and i am not exactly good enough to save the masses, i do have the reckless disregard for my own life however.

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