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Coordinates of the Vulture clan camp.

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We were kicked from the Vulture clan server DE398, before this we had a firefight with them while they flew their chopper around Veresnik, and after we shot one of their guys out of the chopper they retreated, we heard the chopper head north and so the 6 of us decided to scout for the chopper as all the Vulture guys had left the server. We later found the Camp at 004 000, in the top left of the map, they killed 3 of our guys then banned the other 3 guys (including myself) who were heading to the camp, as we had split up to scout.

If anyone is close do your best to destroy the camp before they move.

Edited by Cutter888
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I can confirm this. As the one who discovered the camp and the moment I began looting got shot it was a little distressing to then have them ban the rest of our members as we converged.

These guys are the scum of the earth and deserve their camp to be burnt to the ground.

I seriously hope they lose their server too. Morons.

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It's an annoyance maybe you'll understand one day, after spending an hour or two searching the Northern regions and coming close to their camp they kill 3 guys, who were heavily kitted out, and ban the others before we can retaliate. They could easily have just flown the chopper out of there, but instead chose to cheat. We don't even care that much about losing our loot, but to be cheated out of a chance take their camp is utter bullshit.

Edited by Cutter888
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Some others on reddit have tried to raid the camp, only to receive the same treatment

Edited by Cutter888

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