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SeaNanner's Server?

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No, he has an actual server, I was looking for a server, found a nice one and when I connected, one of those little messages for the host cam up saying

"Welcome to SeaNanners, GoldenGlove and (some other guy, Juicesta?)'s server, Enjoy!"

Before I could check the server number I got kicked :(. Raged horribly after, lol :P

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No, he has an actual server, I was looking for a server, found a nice one and when I connected, one of those little messages for the host cam up saying

"Welcome to SeaNanners, GoldenGlove and (some other guy, Juicesta?)'s server, Enjoy!"

Before I could check the server number I got kicked :(. Raged horribly after, lol :P

D: to bad you didnt catch the name, it would be awesome to play with them :D

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