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Baned from 292 for no reason.

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So I had just set up a tent somewhere on server US 292 - Hosted by www.acezone.com.br and filled it with both mine, and my friends gear that we spent 3 days collecting raiding hospitals, and deer stands and supermarkets. we where pretty well set up and had enough supplies to really get rolling in this game seeing as we have only been playing about a week.

after taking only the bare neccesities from the tent, a little food, water, bandages etc. just incase we died, we decided to strike out to raid some bigger military targets. as i was crawling threw the military target we picked out having half way looted it, all of a sudden both of us get a Battleye Ban but it did not give any reason.

we didnt do anything wrong, and its kind of depressing because as soon as we get all set up with plenty of supplies and gear(which we leaft most of it in the tent just incase we get killed on our raids.)

we get a ban for no reason on this server

my characters name is Chaoseth if you could unban us please so that I could atleast get my gear out of my tent I would appreciate it.

Edited by Lykaios

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I dont see how we made him upset we have never killed another player, we actually avoid other players like the plague, we didnt loot any player owned objects, we only looted towns and stuff. we didnt do anything on the server that could be considered offensive. so I have no idea why we got banned, we didnt even talk in game we used out of game voip to communicate, and never came within 200 yards of another player while on the server ( we intentionally avoided people we saw in the distance.)

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Admin has already checked the logs and found your gear. He banned you to give him time to take it all. Welcome to DayZ.

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Well if that's the case he needs to have his sever rights revoked.

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Yea I killed two guys and soon after I got a ban message. Funny much?

I kill because I am terrified of other people and these guys were people hunting for sureeee.

EDIT: Maybe not revoke server rights but I wish there was an unnoficial wall of shame somewhere to find the fair servers.


Oops happened to me on us1776 i think so not same server and not quite the same story but veryyy similar.

Edited by meltbox360

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Welcome to dayz.

If giant egos and hackers don't kill u...they zeds might eventually

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Welcome to dayz.

If giant egos and hackers don't kill u...they zeds might eventually

Hehe I like your sig :D

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Got banned from the same server earlier this week for no reason. I spawned in and after a couple minutes, I don't think I even moved from where I spawned because I was telling a friend which server I joined, I was back at the server select screen with a BattlEye message telling me that I've been banned.

That friend joined the server a few seconds after I got banned and within a minute he was banned also.

Edited by Dude

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