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Is the M14 AIM good?

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I was heading back up North after stupidly driving a bus on a suicide mission into Elektro and then Cherno for no apparent reason. And I stumbled upon a Heli crash site which only had a single item on it, an M14 AIM with 3 DMR mags. On me at the time I had an AK-74 with 6 mags, so something I didn't want to give up lightly, but I eventually decided to swap, after mowing down all of the military zombies that decided to keep spawning all around me. ¬_¬

I'd have put the AK-74 and mags in my pack but I have that filled with lots of of cooked meat, drinks and medical supplies since I am a lone survivor, no way I could open up 10+ slots without crippling myself for survival.

I don't want to waste the ammo on zombies since I don't have any plans to do a looting run of the N/W Airfield for DMR mags anytime soon which is my local. So I ask your advice if it was a worthy sacrifice of my AK-74?, I only see a primary weapon as something to defend against other players or for really bad situations, I use my G17 for zombies mostly.

Opinions?, I'm not sure if I have made a mistake dropping the AK-74 with so much ammo, I took lots of risks getting it, moreso than the M14.

Took a couple of screenshots.


Also, what is that town behind me?


Edited by FreaK367

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You made a very good decision in my opinion, this gun is a freakin beast, 2 maybe 3 hits in center mass for a kill.

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You did not make a mistake. M14 is a great gun against players and/or zombies in tense situations.

I believe it is a one shot kill above the stomach. Which is like a tactical lee enfield. Very good.

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You didn't make a mistake that gun is very strong and very accurate.

Only downside is it's very very loud and will attract a lot of zombies if by a town/city.

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Also my favorite gun, 2 shots take down a player with a good chance they'll pass out after the first.

Pretty abundant ammo, high accuracy and rate of fire.

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Very nice gun, very versatile. Ammo is common, it does the same damage per shot as fn fal/dmr/m24/other 7.62 rifles. With the sight you can pull off shots up to and possibly even over 500m away, a very nice gun.

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Ahh, good to know I made the right choice, the sight on it looks quite good, I had a look through, certainly better than iron sights which can be a pain at times.

I have no plan to use it near any town or city, unless faced with a hostile player. I have my G17 for the majority of situations, which is nice and quiet.

Thanks for all of your input :), I look forward and also dread the day I am required to use it, because it will mean I am in a horrible situation of life or death. :thumbsup:

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I like the FNL better, but thats just me. its got burst shot so one burst center mass down goes a player. otherwise the M14 AIM is boss.

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