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gilliedekid (DayZ)

LFG 2-3 people

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Been playing Day Z for a little over a month now been all over the map playing solo is realy boring now im looking for a group no more than 4 people must be 16+ , any more than 4 is a little hectic i use skype but i much prefer TS3 just becasue i have a server an it more controlled

Skype: Gillie.gayle

Send me a message for TS3 Info

i am currently playing

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I'm 16, from europe. I also have both , teamspeak and skype. Just died in cherno with nothing. Damn people.. Anyways if meet your requirments i'm gonna leave my skype in here.


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hello im in for a test run with you guys if you are fresh add me on skype "Pekinggezer1"

i'v got teamspeak and skype, 18 from denmark :)

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hey man im 23 and from canada eh, skype is Dr.JuicePHD, my brother and i play frequently looking for people to team up with. i got ts as well, you can pm your server

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