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deadlyslob (DayZ)

Extremely Long Loading Times

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I'd like to report an issue I've been having on every server I try to join. It takes nearly 5-10 minutes to load into a game, where a few days ago it was the regular 30-60 seconds.

Im not sure if this is a common issue, but if there is a way to fix it that'd be great!

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Try to join a server with less people on it. The less people playing, the shorter your loading time.

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I got this too on half of all servers.. and when that long loading time happens; I have 10 fps when playing. Really annoying

@ Cummins : No that cant be right, I experience most of the long loading times on servers with less than 10 people playing in it

Edited by Demaster13

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That usually works for me and a few others I have told. This engine manifests differently on other machines so I'm not saying my way is the right way.

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I just started playing this, but from sunday the loading times to start a new character was 30-60 seconds, and monday it was 8-10 minutes.... Not worth the wait after a crappy death :( please help!

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i got this problem too...on some servers i get infiniti loading too...thats annoying(too much)

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