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Tips for Being in a Bandit Group

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You want to be a bandit...join a large group of other players, get the best guns in the game, and of course, kill people. I have been in alot of bandit groups, and whenever somebody new joins, it is a real pain in the ass, especially if they don't know anything about the game. So, here are some tips.

Tip #1: Don't ask too many questions. I am saying this because people who ask alot of questions don't tend to have alot of answers, so it makes you seem like a noob.

Tip #2: Don't be greedy. There will be plenty of loot to go around, so don't try to hoard all of the good guns, medical supplies, etc.

Tip #3: When you come into contact with other enemies, don't talk about how you went to the movies yesterday and saw the new Batman. It is pretty frickin' annoying.

Tip #4: Don't freak out when you find something that isn't even that good, or just any loot in general. For example, if you find an Enfield, don't scream at the group, "OH MY GOODNESS. Fellas, I just found a flippin' Enfield! GEEEZ. SOOOO GOOD."

Tip #5 : At all times, let your group know where you're at. You don't want to get stranded out in the middle of nowhere because you went north-west instead of north-east. Also, if you come into contact with other players, and if you don't know if it is your group mate or not, make them dance or use another sign to make sure they are friendly instead of just shooting everyone you see.

Well, those are a few tips I could come up with off the top of my head, feel free to add more.

Edited by artard247

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Best tip is, don't group with idiots and you should be fine.. I met a guy on the forums and we run together every day now we just get along and are great friends.. I say try and find likeminded people to play with and you should have no problems.. With that said if anyone late 20's early thirties wants to join up with us we are looking to make our squad at least 4 people so we need 2 more.

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You want to be a bandit...join a large group of other players, get the best guns in the game, and of course, kill people. I have been in alot of bandit groups, and whenever somebody new joins, it is a real pain in the ass, especially if they don't know anything about the game. So, here are some tips.

Tip #1: Don't ask too many questions. I am saying this because people who ask alot of questions don't tend to have alot of answers, so it makes you seem like a noob.

Tip #2: Don't be greedy. There will be plenty of loot to go around, so don't try to hoard all of the good guns, medical supplies, etc.

Tip #3: When you come into contact with other enemies, don't talk about how you went to the movies yesterday and saw the new Batman. It is pretty frickin' annoying.

Tip #4: Don't freak out when you find something that isn't even that good, or just any loot in generlal. For example, if you find an Enfield, don't scream at the group, "OH MY GOODNESS. Fellas, I just found a flippin' Enfield! GEEEZ. SOOOO GOOD."

Tip #5 : At all times, let your group know where you're at. You don't want to get stranded out in the middle of nowhere because you went north-west instead of north-east. Also, if you come into contact with other players, and if you don't know if it is your group mate or not, make them dance or use another sign to make sure they are friendly instead of just shooting everyone you see.

Well, those are a few tips I could come up with off the top of my head, feel free to add more.

THANK YOU I hope everyone reads this. Holy shit, specially numbers 3 and 4....It really makes me feel like backstabbing them sometimes

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Best tip is, don't group with idiots and you should be fine.. I met a guy on the forums and we run together every day now we just get along and are great friends.. I say try and find likeminded people to play with and you should have no problems.. With that said if anyone late 20's early thirties wants to join up with us we are looking to make our squad at least 4 people so we need 2 more.

Presumably, I would be interested. But I have never been able to make it very far north to get the best gear, I always get killed by a group so I am not interested in a group. What like minded traights are you looking for? If I do not posses them I won't waste your time.

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ill join your bandit group,

i had an as50 but died and am out for revenge... (althought i did get it from someone else)

pm or whatever and ill add you on steam, though i cant get the steam overlay on dayz which is annoying

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ill join your bandit group,

i had an as50 but died and am out for revenge... (althought i did get it from someone else)

pm or whatever and ill add you on steam, though i cant get the steam overlay on dayz which is annoying

EDIT: NVM I thought you were someone else

Edited by Helsing

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My rule: Do not refer to yourself as a bandit, because you are not a fucking bandit. In a game where most of us shoot on sight, to refer to oneself as a bandit is laughable.

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