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Tents not saving after hotfix?

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Date/Time: 24/5-12, 1600 IRL

What happened: There was no save option at my tents

Where you were: at my camp, not gonna be much more specific, sry ;)

What you were doing: Trying to save my tents, tried all around the tent and at different ranges.

*Current installed version: hotfix

NOTE: the action to save camping tents came up several times while I wasnt near any tents just running around randomly, I heard that happened to many others aswell, just a little side note :)

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Had this happen to me also.

Date/Time: 24 may. ~09-11am UTC

What happened: Tent doubled up when deploying. After I succesfully deployed it, disappeared at server restart even if saved. When I was later at tent location option to save tent appeared. Option to save tent later followed me around.

Where you were: At my camp and also north of Little Hill

What you were doing: Was trying to place my tent. It was very hard to get up and it doubled up a few times instead of deploying.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: DE7

*Timeline of events before/after error: Doubled up when tried to deploy. Deployed tent disappeared at server restart. Then option to save tent was always availiable.

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Same thing on FR4

Date/Time: 24 may 22:34 Germany Time

Server: FR4

What happened: Cannot access Save tent option in quick menu.

Where you were: Undisclosed location in the North

What you were doing: trying to save tent. No menu comes up.

Current version

Everything worked fine before hotfix. Also on another note we lost all of our gear in our vehicles and also cannot save vehicles. Not to mention can not repair and refuel said vehicles.

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Had the issue with "save old camping tent" when not near a tent. Also could not pack up old tents that I have placed. Server was us hardcore 1

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