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Infected Bite Causing Virus - Leading to you Searching for Vaccine

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Previous roaming horde idea *take a look* - http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2604

Short and simple I'll explain this as fast as I can. I have thought this out and think it can add to the infected's leathiality.

Right now we just have blood loss and the zombies hitting us. They chase us and we lead them into a building wait for them to slow and kill them. The players need to be more afraid of the infected and here is how they can absolutely fear them.

Make the infected bite once in awhile causing the virus to begin killing you off slowly. This can be added with a radioactive symbol on the hud to the right and etc...

After the player is infected they then will be forced to find a vaccine shot most or slowly die. This is a great way to make the infected much more feared and will add to the difficulty of surviving but not make it to difficult with the infection taking a long time to kill the player.

*For you story buffs*

Vaccines could have been made but only by a small fraction of what was needed.


- Infected more feared

- Player forced to explore for vaccine

- More immersion

- More Difficulty

- Carebear tears


- Carebear Hate

Previous roaming horde idea *take a look* - http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2604

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I would only be okay with this if you actually turned into a zombie and had to go out to player kill.

This is what I would hope the game would be like as a zombie, running through the woods screaming.

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Sure nice suggestion.



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Survivors are immune to the virus from what I understood. Any infection system related to zombies is therefore a no-go unless something changes in the mod's background.

They could cause other infections however of course, and food/water might do the same unless boiled/cooked.

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I'm not sure about this.

rocket posted once saying that the zombies aren't actually dead. It might be better to wait for the back story to be announced to see if something like this would fit.

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I'm not sure about this.

rocket posted once saying that the zombies aren't actually dead. It might be better to wait for the back story to be announced to see if something like this would fit.

Well it wouldn't matter if they were dead. Its still an infection that can lead to the player losing control aka dying and the story can always be mended to the gameplay needs.

@ the above comment about being an infected. It would take much to long to find another player and there are many negatives to actually turning into an infected.

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I would only be okay with this if you actually turned into a zombie and had to go out to player kill.

This is what I would hope the game would be like as a zombie' date=' running through the woods screaming.



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I suggested that if you died by zombie attacks, your body turns into a zombie after a set amount of time, and if it wasn't looted while you were 'turning', then you end up with a zombie that has useful items. Adds new depth to zombie hunting

I wouldn't mind seeing it with an infection system though. But only if zombies were actually able to grab and bite you. The current scratching would just look a little strange.

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You mean something exactly like I posted earlier?


I don't think it should be the zombie "virus" but rather a terrible sickness caused by rotten flesh in open wounds.

Yes but you just needed to explain your idea better.

A disease/infection that the player can get by being attacked but make it less of an occurrence so its not annoying. Then make them find a vaccine in hospitals and such.

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