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All players teleported into house on US 930

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Didn't know this part of the forum existed, or I would have gathered more specific information. Playing with five friends on US 930 last night at approximately 9:45 Eastern, all players on the server (or at least most) were suddenly teleported into a small building and killed in the resulting shooting. Rejoined the server about ten minutes later to try to recover some items from a tent and was kicked after a few seconds.

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The hacker would teleport rather than killall script so all the loot is in one place.

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well, if hes a hacker, why dont he just use all his cheats to spawn loot... he probably did it just for fun, he´s got all the items he needs, maybe even god mode, so why not teleport everyone to one building and kill them?

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I was one of the five in korbenD's group. I hope others find this post and report if this happens again on that server.

I will not be returning to the server, as being kicked points out (to me at least) that admins may have been involved.

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