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DayZ related movies

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I have been playing this mod since mid May and often I have had moments or incidents that remind me of a movie I have seen. So here is a thread with suggestions of films you may have seen (or should watch) that have echoes of the DayZ adventures in Chernarus or remind you of one of your own in game experiences.

This is a good list for people not as old as me to find some amazing movies that will blow your socks of and are infinitely better than the Hollywood dross churned out these days including that Batman guff.

  • Deliverance - you have to see this movie to know what I am talking about. There is one scene where John Voight tries to shoot a deer and its just like in dayz shooting your first unaware human. Burt Reynolds implores the others to 'play the game'. The game of survival.
  • Southern Comfort - the panic and battle scenes in this movie are amazing and especially the scene where they shoot at the guys boat to shit him up. Happened to me near Otmel lol
  • The Shining - the feeling of being alone and of course the here's johnny scene.

Your suggestions? Obviously some zed movies should be included but which ones?

(And I could have posted this in off topic but honestly its very on topic for the game so its in general.)

Edited by Drblodski

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I have nothing to contribute.... but I find your suggestions a little..... interesting.

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'The Road' awesome film, reminds me so much of DayZ, its about a father and son living in a post apocalyptic world, as they encounter alot of things as what would happen in real life, bandits, crazy people ect.

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'The Road' awesome film, reminds me so much of DayZ, its about a father and son living in a post apocalyptic world, as they encounter alot of things as what would happen in real life, bandits, crazy people ect.

Have to agree. The Road is a great example.

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Yeah, The Road is the closest thing I've seen. (Possible spoilers) When they find the bunker loaded with food, it's like that moment you first find an unattended camp.

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